Chapter 16

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Keith walked out of his room. Coran already came by, reminding him that everyone has to pitch in with cleaning today.

I guess he got tired of listening to Lance's complaining all the time, Keith thought.

Coran assigned Keith to do laundry with Lance. Which he so did not want to do.

But clean clothes are clean clothes.

He needed to apologize to Azalea. He realized how big of a jerk he'd been to her. Accusing her of cold blooded murder might not have been his best choice to begin with.

"Speak of the devil", he muttered, looking down the hall.

Lance walked around the corner with Azalea. Their arms were linked, and they were casually laughing and teasing each other.

Keith watched them. How easily Lance talked to her, and how close they were. They were obviously very good friends.

Could he possibly be friends with Azalea one day?

Wait. I just want to apologize. That's it.
I'm pretty sure she wouldn't want to be friends with me anyways. Right?
Who wants to be friends with a person who confronts them about their sister's death? I sure wouldn't.

Keith walked a good distance behind them. He was going to the same place anyways.

He smiled at Azalea's hairdo. It was done like Hunk's. It was... cute... in the effort.


He stopped a couple of yards away to watch the two hug, then Azalea glided away, mop and bucket in hand.

I guess I'll have to find her later.

If we ever get this laundry done...

Lance greeted him as soon as he walked into the laundry room.

"Hey Keith! Get your tail over here and let's get this over with!"

Keith crossed his arms and leaned against the space-age washing machine. Lance was stuffing clothes from the white baskets into the machines.

His chestnut hair was disheveled, and he wore his signature smirk. Not paying any attention to the fact that he was putting Coran's underpants in the wash.

Then Lance sat back, leaning on one of the baskets. His arms were behind his head, and he shot Keith a look that he knew too well.

Lance was up to something.

"We have to wait for this to finish...", Lance trailed off, obviously hinting at some hidden topic, and smirking his head off the whole time.


"I just thought we might chat", Lance said, "You know. Bro to bro. Man to man. You know what I mean?"

Keith glared, "What do you want, Lance?"

Lance sat up.

"What's your deal with my sis? Azalea?", he asked.


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