Chapter 28

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I walk next to Rin as the four of us head towards the Royal Palace. Zuko and Uncle are talking to each other quietly. I still think this might be a trap.

"What's going on with you? You've been awfully quiet since we got that invitation." Rin whispers.

"I just have this off feeling about this..." I whisper back.

"I'm sure it'll be fine." Rin whispers reassuringly. I sigh and nod. We enter the Palace and take our place at a table in front of the throne.

"I wonder what's taking so long." Zuko says.

"Maybe the Earth King over slept." Uncle replies. The Dai Li enter the room and surround us.

"This doesn't feel right. At all." I say quietly to Uncle, Zuko, and Rin.

"Hello Zuzu." A familiar voice greets my husband. My eyes widen when I see my 16 year old Sister-in-law. Zuko and I recently turned 17 along with Mai. Azula turned 16 and Ty Lee turned 15.

"Azula." I gasp.

"Well. Let ourselves go have we, Ivy?" Azula taunts, glancing at my large belly. Zuko, Uncle, and Rin glare at her.

"Have I ever told you why they gave me the name, The Dragon Of The West?" Uncle asks Azula while standing up.

"I'm not in the mood for one of your fuddy-duddy stories, Uncle." Azula sighs.

"It's not so much an story. It's more of a demonstration really." Uncle replies. Rin, Zuko, and I duck down slightly as Uncle blasts fire out of his mouth at Azula and the Dai Li. A path is cleared and Rin Earth Bends a hole in the wall. Zuko and Rin help me run faster. Zuko blasts a hole in the wall at the end of the hallway. Uncle runs forward and jumps down onto a bush. Rin brings up a rock platform for me. I step onto it and she carefully lowers me down. Rin then jumps onto a bush beside Uncle.

"Zuko! You'll be fine!" Uncle calls up to my husband.

"No. I'm tired of running. It's time I faced Azula." Zuko says before turning and walking off to find Azula. I look up at the hole worriedly before running off with Uncle and Rin.

"Come on. We know he would've been captured by now. We need to get some help. And I know just where we have to go." I say. A Dai Li Agent is standing in front of us, watching for anything suspicious. Uncle takes him down and ties his wrists together.

"We could use him." Uncle says and drags the Dai Li Agent along. We finally get to the house Aang and the others are staying in and Rin knocks on the door. The door soon opens and Toph smiles at us.

"It's good to know you three are okay." Toph says. Aang and Sokka get in defensive stances.

"We need your help." I say with a pained look. I wonder if Zuko is okay. Hopefully Azula only arrested him. Toph let's us in and Aang gives me a small hug.

"What's that?" Sokka asks pointing at my belly.

"My stomach bruises easily so I had to put some padding there. Although if someone punches it, it'll still hurt." I reply. Toph gives me a look but doesn't say anything.

"What happened?" Aang asks.

"Azula's in the city. She arrested Zuko." Uncle tells them.

"She must have Katara too!" Aang exclaims. "We'll work together to rescue Katara and Zuko."

"Woah. You lost me at 'Zuko'." Sokka says.

"I know how you must feel about him. But I promise you that he has good inside him." I tell them.

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