Chapter 29

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I follow Azula, Mai, Ty Lee, and Zuko off the ship.

"It's been so long since I've been home. We'll put our stuff in my old room before anything else." Zuko tells me. I look away from him. It may have been around two weeks. But I still refuse to forgive him.

"Azula?" I ask. She looks at me.

"Yes?" She asks.

"Is there a guest room next to yours that I can stay in?" I ask. She gives me a confused look.

"Uh. Yeah. I'll take you there once we arrive. And I'll get you some proper clothes since you're Princess now." Azula replies. I give her a grateful smile.

"It's so good to have you back though, Ivy!" Ty Lee exclaims and puts an arm around my shoulders. I smile at my childhood friend.

"I'm happy to see you too, Ty Lee. And you of course, Mai." I reply. Mai gives me a small smile.

"It has been kind of dull without you." Mai says. Zuko watches me sadly. We arrive at the Palace and Mai sighs.

"Well I'll see you three tomorrow. I better get settled back in my room. You coming Ty Lee?" Mai asks while walking away. Ty Lee nods and hurries after her.

"Come with me, Ivy." Azula says and begins to walk off. I follow her into the palace. Servants follow us with our stuff.

"This is your room. Get unpacked and all that. I'll be in to talk to you in a bit." Azula tells me before entering her room. Seven servants follow her in with her stuff. Three servants enter my new room with me. They place my stuff on my bed.

"Do you need any help unpacking?" A female servant asks.

"No thank you. I should be fine. If not, Azula will be coming in here in a bit." I reply. They bow to me before leaving. I sigh and start putting my clothes and stuff away.

"What's up with you and Zuzu?" Azula asks as she walks into my room. I fold my last pair of socks and put them in my dresser.

"I'm mad at him." I reply, not bothering to look at her.

"Why? What did the idiot do?" Azula sighs.

"It's just that before we joined you...he hurt Uncle. And I know Uncle's a traitor and whatever. But I can't believe what Zuko did." I tell Azula, lying about Uncle being a traitor.

"He had his reasons. If Uncle would've joined us, Zuko wouldn't have had to hurt him." Azula replies. I shrug.

"Stay here. I'll get you something nice to wear for the welcoming ceremony." Azula tells me. I nod. She leaves the room and I sit down on the edge of my bed. I wonder why Azula's being so nice to me. I mean, I thought she'd always be mad at me after I hurt her when I was banished. But I guess she put it behind her.

"Here. This was my mother's. And Zuko gave this to me to give to you." Azula says as she enters the room and puts a beautiful outfit for a Fire Princess on my bed. She then puts my Princess hair piece on the bed as well.

"Thank you, Azula." I say gratefully.

"Of course. Get dressed. We leave for the ceremony soon." She replies before leaving. I get changed and sigh as I put my hair in a half bun. I put the hair piece in.

"You look beautiful." Zuko says. I look at him angrily.

 I look at him angrily

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"I'm still mad at you." I snap. He sighs.

"I don't understand why you're mad at me." Zuko replies.

"Figure it out!" I exclaim before hurrying out of my room and out of the palace. Azula is waiting for us.

"Let's go." Azula says and takes the lead. I follow her, and Zuko follows me. We soon come to a big tower. We walk up a bunch of stairs and get into position. My heart beats in my ears intensely.

"Beautiful and clever! Your Princess Azula!" The two old women announce. Azula walks out onto the balcony.

"After three long years. Your Prince has returned! Zuko!" The women announce. Zuko walks onto the balcony.

"Also after three years. She was once lady to us. But now is our Princess. Ivy!" The women announce. I let out a long shaky breath before walking out onto the balcony. I stand between Zuko and Azula. The crowds are so loud as they cheer for the three of us.

"Welcome home." Azula whispers to me. I give her a nervous smile.

"It's good to be home." I reply. She nods with a tiny smile. I never thought I'd be standing in the Capital City again. But fate has a funny way of dealing with me.

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