6. Holiday Blues

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Draco's POV

My mother had dropped me off at the station, and I strolled up to Blaise, greeting my best mate.

"Sup mate, how was your summer?" He asked casually while waving off to my mother in the distance.

"Terribly boring as usual. My father has been sent to Azkaban." I replied in a bored tone. I knew my voice had wobbled when saying Azkaban but refused to acknowledge it.

"Sorry to hear about that mate. My summer was... Interesting." He said, looking strangely thoughtful. What happened to him then? I thought. Hah, probably got laid by a man that was dressed up a woman. I sniggered, and Blaise raised his eyebrows in question.

I merely shrugged and said Lucius deserved it. It was very rare that I spoke of him as my father anymore. As far as I was concerned, he was no more than a disgrace.

I asked Blaise about his holidays and he took a while to reply, thinking deeply about his answer. I sneered at him and told him to come back from Planet Cockroach and then cringed at the use of the word Granger has called me in third year. I absentmindedly touched my nose and winced at the pain her punch had caused me. Stupid mudblood.

We boarded the train and sat down in our carriage, with Goyle, Pansy, Astoria and Daphne joining us. Pansy immediately climbed on my lap and began stroking my body- much to my displeasure. I pushed her off of me, onto the floor, and she glared at me, sitting next to Astoria and Blaise. Blaise cringed rather obviously and I sniggered at his discontent. My thoughts then began to wonder as Astoria struck up a conversation with the others.

My summer hadn't been boring actually. It had actually been quite horrible. Between the ministry visits and courts, and the inconvenient news I had been given on my birthday, it was the worst holiday I'd had in my life.

On the day of my birthday, my mother had taken me (unwillingly of course) to see my father, where he told me of my heritage. I had recoiled at the sight of him and once he'd told me what he had to, I left Azkaban as fast as I could in anger.

I was supposed to be the Slytherin Prince. Pure blooded and feared. But no. Apparently I was part veela. VEELA. After all of these years, relying on my pure blood, I found out it was a lie! But that wasn't the worst of it. Apparently a number of pure blood families had been cursed with this a millennia ago, and the only way they can live is if they find a mate.

I remember smirking widely at this. At hogwarts, I had so many girls wanting me, that they'd be begging on their knees to be my mate. But my father (I spat the word in my mind) assured me that would not be needed. As I recall, he told me I had one year, ONE FUCKING YEAR, to find one girl who my veela reacts to. I had asked him in an angry tone, how I'd know if it was the girl, and my mother had told me that she or he would smell extremely appealing and I would feel a tingling in my mouth. She also said everyone else would probably smell disgusting to me. I quickly realised this and pretty much since then have been trying to breathe through my mouth. I also realised that she had said she or he and made a promise to myself to personally throw myself off the astronomy tower if it was a guy. I'm not a homophobe, but I do sexy, not gay.

Disgusted with the fact I wasn't pure, and worried about my possible death at the end of this year if I didn't find my mate, I'd left as fast as possible. My mother had quickly come after me, and also shown me a letter from hogwarts inviting my return. She insisted I go back, not for my education but to find my mate, considering she'd most likely be there. I only agreed to try and avoid my iminent death.

So here I was, back on the train to that blasted school. Oh and some more brilliant news, I was made head boy. Joy.

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