Chapter 7

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I'm on my way to Starship entertainment, of course, I'm wearing a disguise so the paparazzi can't leak a scandal about me. I entered and Minjae greeted me the same way as always and I went off to Monsta X's practice room. On my way, I heard something inside Sistar unnie-deul's practice room so, I went to go see. It was Sistar unnies practising 'Shake it'. Bora unnie saw me and greeted me. The others following as well, after talking to them I finally went to Monsta X oppa's practice room.

"What took so long Asuka?" I.M asked as soon as I arrived.

"I was talking to Sistar unnies, "I stated and went to Kihyun oppa who is sweating. "Read the news yet?" I asked them as they nodded and we talked for a bit then I soon went back home. It's currently 9:30 pm, Vernon's going to kill me...meh, he can try. As I arrive I see S.coups oppa, Vernon oppa and holy oppa aka Joshua, I smiled and soon was scolded but I apologised like a thousand times already. After the mini scolding session I went up to my room and slept cause Troublemakers are gonna be at YG Ent all day tomorrow.


I woke at 4:30 am, I decided to wash up and changed into comfortable clothes but one that I can also dance in. After changing I went towards the kitchen and cooked pancakes and waffles for the boys as the time is currently 4:45 am, they usually wake up around 5 am. Once finished I grabbed my dance bag which I pre-did last night before my head hit my soft pillow, I lock the door on my way out. I arrived at YG Ent where paparazzi were swarming the place, some asked me if I was in Troublemakers and if I was related to any other idols. YG-nim told us not to give any information way so I ignored them and continued my way inside where the other unnies are waiting. We walked around and finally found our practice room,I looked at our next door neighbors and it turns out we're in between 2ne1 and Big Bang. I entered our practice room and we soon began practicing all the songs on our mini album The story begins.


I woke up and went to the kitchen after washing up only to see breakfast on the table. Everyone else woke up and soon digested the food until I found a note.

Annyeong oppas!~ I hope you enjoyed the food I made, if you're wondering where I am I'm at YG, practising for my debut stage with the unnies!I'll be there for maybe 4-7 hours or so. YG-nim also told me if your at an interview and the ask about Troublemakers don't give anything unless you want a devil living with you, today's your day off so have fun~ but remember to go inside my room say goodbye to your life. Annyeong Oppas~

I read out loud for the boys as some shiver by her words. We ate breakfast then Coups hyung said we had one interview for the day as it's a rest day, we got ready for our interview.

At the interview place

We walked into the building. "Seventeen! Please follow me," a lady stated and lead us to a studio with 15 chairs. We got into places and went through the questions and soon the interview started.

Mc: We are back with a new uprising rookie group Seventeen! Please introduce yourselves as one then individual.
Seventeen: SAY THE NAME! Seventeen! Annyeonghaseyo Seventeen iminda!
*skip all the individual introductions*
Mc: I've been reading articles lately and there was this one article about a girl group called Troublemakers have you heard about them?
Seventeen:*nods heads*
Mc: Some of your fans even think their maknea is related to Vernon. Is this true? Are you related?
Vernon: Ne!Eunha or as I call her Asuka is my little sister. She's the middle child of our family and I'm so proud of her!
Mc: Can you tell us about their debut?
Vernon: All I can say is they're working very hard and they're a bunch of talented girls *smiles*
Mc: Alright! Can you please tell us more about your upcoming promotions?
S.coups: We're all very busy practising the choreography and we'll work harder than ever since this is one of our favourite songs we've done so far.
Mc: This so sudden but we invited two troublemakers members here today! Please welcome Troublemakers Eunha and Lisa!
Troublemakers: Watch out! Annyeonghaseyo Troublemakers iminda!
Lisa: Annyeonghaseyo Troublemakers Leader Lisa iminda!
Eunha: Annyeonghaseyo Troublemakers Ice Princess Eunha iminda!
Mc: How did you come up with your stage names?
Eunha: My full name in Korean is Choi Eunha Asuka if we're in America my name would be Ashley Ella Choi.
Lisa: I've been to Australia before and my Korean friends said that my English name was Lisa so yeah.
Mc: Will you be living in a dorm together?
Lisa: As Vernon said Eunha is his sister so she's currently living with Seventeen but YG-nim is working on a dorm for us and we already picked our roommates depending on the number of rooms.
Mc: A leader indeed!
Lisa: *Blushes* Thank you! *slightly bows*
Mc: Eunha, if you could spend a whole day with anyone who would it be?
Eunha: I would spend it with my favourite girl group which is SNSD unnies.
Mc: Are you personal close with them? Why SNSD?
Eunha: Ne~ I'm close to them cause one of our members has a brother over at SM. As the reason why is because I love hanging out with them; Taeyeon, Tiffany and Sunny unnie-deul are very nice and helps me with my vocal cords as I'm the main vocal of the group plus Seohyun unnie and I get along because we're maknaes so we basically complain to each other about them.
End of interview⬆️


After doing the interview which our manager told us last minute was fun and I had a lot to fun doing it. Jiyeon unnie and I headed back to YG and Eunmi unnie showed us the routine when we arrived, I got the choreography easily and so did Jiyeon Unnie. We practice each part then full version, after finishing the dance for the 100th time in the row we lay down on the floor out of breath. "Girls!" Manager unnie called us. We went to her as our eyes widen and we all started jumping all over the place. Basically, we're debuting in four weeks, I'm super excited about our debut stage which is at Show Champion. I went home and asked Coups Appa if they were performing at ShowChampion in four weeks time and he said yes and looked at me weirdly. "Why?" He asked as I wave my hands in front of me saying nothing don't worry and ran off to my room.

a week later

Here we are! Troublemakers first performance ever! We finished our music video 2 weeks ago and last week was our debut on Tuesday, September 29th, we're all currently panicking and getting ready surprisingly, Miyoung unnie is calm. "unnie aren't you nervous?" I questioned as she nodded her head then turned to me.

"I am but Jinyoung oppa told me to just be myself and have fun," she stated and smiled. I nodded understanding, we were after SNSD unnies who were performing 'Lionheart' which I learnt the dance to...hehe.

"Troublemakers! You're up!" a staff said and we all made our way backstage.

"Troublemakers we can do this! Just be yourselves and have fun...We gain so many fans over the last few months so let's show them what we can do!" Jiyeon unnie stated as she placed her hand out.

We pile our hands on top of each other ."Troublemakers Hwaiting!!" she chanted and went to the stage, fans screaming our names. I could see Seventeen oppas surprised and SNSD, F(X) unnie-deuls are smiling so are Monsta X, EXO, SHINee and GOT7. The music began as we all smiled and danced our best.

"Jeon Jiyeon! Lee Seunghee! Jung Yooji! Bae Rinah! Kim Kunhyun! Song Eunmi! Park Miyoung! Chwe Asuka! Tro! Ble! Mak! ers!" the fans chanted at the beginning of the song and Kunhyun Unnie started the song.

a/n : Look at the top to see who's who.

We finished perfectly smiling, out of breath. The fans went crazy, we bowed and introduced ourselves as a group and individually. We each made a short speech and Jiyeon unnie made a kinda long one as our leader and we bowed once again and left the stage breathing normally again. "We did girls!"Jiyeon unnie shouted and we all cheered and we all wanted to celebrate with our families and friends as well as our company, which YG-nim said we'll be moving to our new dorm in two days so I pre-packed everything and told the boys. There's 3 bedrooms so three in each room, I share a room with maknea line so Me, Miyoung and Eunmi. We all including everyone I mention earlier went to a restaurant where we had a private room large enough for all of us, we smiled and after eating we all went home and the next day will be busy.

Middle child of the Chwe family Where stories live. Discover now