Chapter 23

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A/N:Okay to be clear if you're confused...EXO have finished their Monster,Lucky one and Lotto era,they're now working on Dancing King with Yu Jea Seok.It's also July 24th,Enjoy the chapter~

Today is a day off for us...except me,I received a call from Chen Chen explaining me to come down to my 5th home.I was suspicious at first but went anyways so I'm in the van being drove to SM entertainment,once inside the building I was excoriated to their practice room.They weren't inside so I decided to pass time by dancing,I walked towards the speakers and put on SEVENTEEN's Mansae which people say is a hard dance but it's not really when it first came out I watched the boys practice it once and I got it straight away but that's just how I am.As I finished the dance I heard clapping from the door where EXO,Yu Jae Seok and Exo's choreographer was.I smiled and bowed towards them "Annyeonghaseyo Troublemakers's Ice Princess Eunha iminda~".We took a seat while Choreographer Oppa(A/N:Don't know his name)went somewhere then Yu Jae Seok began talking."Wahh jinja~Eunha-ssi is way prettier in real life~"he praised as I blushed and thanked him,after the compliment we began talking about me.
-Short Interview-
Yu Jae Seok:"Eunha-ssi is the main dancer of your group ne?"
Eunha:"Ne I am the main dancer"
Yu Jae Seok:"How long have you been dancing?"
Eunha:"I think around 13 years*Unsure*"
Yu Jae Seok:"13 years?!How old are you?"
Baekhyun:"Eunha is a 01 liner"
Yu Jae Seok:"Jinja?!17 years old right now?"
Eunha:"Ne~ 16 internationally"
Yu Jae Seok:"Wahh~Jinja yeppuda~"
Kai:"That's why Mark is dating her,for her looks and talent~"
Yu Jae Seok:"Speaking of Mark how long have you two been dating?"
Eunha:"4 months and 24 days"
Yu Jae Seok:"I've actually heard that you come down to SM quite a lot...waeyo?"
Eunha:"Ah~Ne~SM entertainment is my Fifth home"
Eunha:"Ne~ Cause I have my house I grew up in,Seventeen Oppa's dorm,my dorm,YG entertainment and SM entertainment~"
Everyone but Eunha:"Ahhh~"
Suho:"We're about to dance Eunha have any advice for Yu Jae Seok Sunbaenim?"
Eunha:"Ne~....Try your best and if you fail there's always time to improve~"
-End of conversation-
I smiled at him as Choreographer Oppa came in we were wearing mics already so it was fine,I talked to choreographer Oppa and apparently I'm teaching two female back up dancers a routine for the break down.I met the two and apparently they're fans of me so I signed their album which they oddly carried with,choreographer Oppa and I were teaching them and Jae Seok sunbaenim was having a hard time.Baekhyun Oppa asked him if he was okay and he said he was fine but he seemed to be stressed,he literally screamed at choreographer Oppa."How about we take a break while Eunha teaches the back up dancers?"Sehun Oppa asked as they nodded and took a seat while the girls came towards me.

"Do you girls want to learn a specific dance break?"I asked them as they nodded,I gestured them to tell me as they replied with Like Ohh Ahh."I can teach you the second half not the first arreso?"I told them as they nodded,Kai Oppa suggested that I should show them twice then teach them.I took his suggestion and danced it twice normal speed,Jae Seok sunbaenim seemed shocked and surprised by my dancing.After dancing to it twice I began teaching them,they got the moves right so now they're dancing without me they did great now we're back to dancing with EXO.We stayed up rehearsing till 2 in the morning which I had left to go back to the dorm to rest till 6 in the morning meaning I only got 4 hours of sleep.
-2 weeks after-August 23rd-
Today we're going back to school except Jiyeon,Seunghee,Rinah and Yooji Unnies since they're all twenty well except Yooji Unnie who still 19.(A/N:Made a mistake😁Rinah is third eldest then it's Yooji)We're all inside then van except the Unnies who already graduated,the Maknae line are freshman and the others are Seniors sadly.I received a text from Mark Oppa saying we were attending the same school I was happy to know that,we're now in front of the school gates and there's people being surrounded by girls we stepped out and now we're surrounded by boys but the body guards protected us and the boys who were surrounded by girls,"Jagiya!"I hear a familiar voice yell when I looked where the voice came from I was already lifted off my feet and being spun around while fans took pictures,once down we all(Troublemakers and NCT dream)walked into the school and grabbed our schedules apparently we have a private class room prepared for us already.
-After Home room and first period-
It's now second period and apparently I now have dance with Eunmi Unnie,Mark Oppa,Miyoung Unnie,Jeno Oppa and Jisung so we went to the locker room to change.I wore black leggings,a loose orange jersey type crop top,a black tank top underneath,black converse and a flannel around my waist.When we entered we were surrounded again but that stopped when the teacher scolded them and apparently Eunmi Unnie's mom retired and became a full time mum for Eunmi's new little brother,I noticed Pia is in my dance class and she's wearing the most sluttiest clothes ever in fact all the girls are expected me and the Unnies."Today the girls are learning a song of their choosing and the same goes for the boys,"the teacher explained as the girls wanted something slutty like AOA Unnie's mini skirt but the teacher didn't allow,the boys wanted Chewing gum surprisingly.Apparently this was to judge where you were going to be for dance.

"OMO!We have idols in the class,how about you guys dance for us?"the teacher asked as we looked at each other as if we were talking with our eyes.We nodded and the boys took Center as I played Growl by EXO Oppas when they finished they received an applauding audience then we switch and then Ice cream cake began playing so we let Eunmi Unnie take Center stage then it switched to Whistle which Miyoung Unnie and I went to the Center and danced.We also received an amused audience once finished the boy requested that me and the Unnies danced to Like ohh ahh our debut song,the teacher disagreed and we began the learning of the choice dance but the girls were complaining about how they wanted to do AOA sunbaenim's mini skirt.I guess I got bored listening to them arguing that I began dancing to the choreography of Dancing King from the last two weeks,then I felt all eyes on me but I continued dance switching to MoMoMo then to Catch me then Call me baby and switched one last time but to Chewing gum then finished with my pose from Like ohh ahh.

Once I finished the girls finally decided to learn the dance to 'Into the new world' by SNSD Unnie which when the teacher played it to see who knew the dance before,when she played it was in the chorus.Me,Miyoung Unnie and Eunmi Unnie are the only ones who knew the songs choreography so the teacher changed it to f(x) Unnie's '4 walls' once again it was only the three of us dancing so when the music stopped the three of us including the boys(Mark,Jeno and Jisung)were put into advances so we learned harder choreography then the others,the advance group were just resting and talked when they heard Like ohh ahh being played and the teacher yelling No or wrong,we decided to go see what was wrong but ended up laughing.The slutty girls were trying to dance to like ohh ahh sexily but failed miserably,"Would you girls demonstrate for them?"the teacher asked as she rubbed her temple we nodded and the slutty girls went to sit down while winking at the boys who were disgusted,we got into position from Miyoung Unnies part.Mark cues the teacher as the music played we danced to it not missing a single beat or move,it's now the break brown of the song the boys cooed as we danced when finished we ended in our poses and went back to the boys.

"Just like that!I think the three of them could teach you!"the teacher gestured us to teach them which we did of course being the nice students as Mark,Jeno and Jisung taught the boys Chewing gum,"Okay first move of the pre chorus,"I slowly demonstrated the move after Miyoung Unnie's part.They repeated after me and then I moved to the next move,moving onto the next moves slowly doing the dance in sections.

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