Chapter 20

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Asuka's pov
Woke up super early,it's exactly 3:45 in the morning and we need to be at the airport by 5:50,I grabbed my clothes(media)and it's quite hot outside when it's still late for some reason but yeah after changing I did my makeup since I woke up early I didn't really need sleep as I slept at 2:30 in the afternoon after we came back from our fan signing at 10:45am.I grabbed my suitcase and back pack and waited in the living room as Seunghee Unnie and Jiyeon Unnie woke up everyone else,once finished we headed to airport and boarded the plane ASAP cause fans were crowding the place.I sat in between Kunhyun Unnie and Miyoung Unnie who had the window seat on the right,I changed into pants inside the wash room and came back.

I sat in between Kunhyun Unnie and Miyoung Unnie who had the window seat on the right,I changed into pants inside the wash room and came back

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A/N:That's what's inside her bag and the suitcase just has clothes and other thing.

The ride would be long(I don't know)so I opened my bag and got out my MacBook Pro and friends rose gold headphones as I watched the latest episode of Pretty Little Lairs season 5,it was so scary watching them in the dollhouse by A.I watched a couple videos then I decided to check our website on YG,I check the website and decided to post something but I didn't know what so I left it then I remembered the homework that Seunghee Unnie gave me,I've been so busy I completely forgot about it.I had to write a report about any Sunbaenim I look up to as an information report,I decided to do Taeyeon Unnie so I searched up about even though I know a couple of things about her.After finishing the report I decided to type a short story on Google Docs since I was bored,Brunch was then announced to be coming so I woke up Kunhyun Unnie and Miyoung Unnie for brunch.

We go in a private business class,so the brunch options were pancakes,waffles,porridge,a burger and many more I decided to have waffles and it came with glasses filled with toppings for me to chose from witch I love,Kunhyun Unnie decided to get porridge with fruit on top and Miyoung Unnie got chocolate chip pancakes with maple syrup on top.Once finished the steward took out plates and I saw on the screen in front of me that we would be landing soon so I got ready and changed into my shorts from earlier since it's hot in Japan right now and touched up my make up,I packed my things neatly and snap chatted a bit with the Kunhyun Unnie and Miyoung Unnie.
-Once landed-
We're currently getting our luggages and there's fans everywhere,we safely entered the van and the Unnies seem sleepy so I decided to play some music for them.I played my music playlist and Gone with the wind by Gfriend Unnies played as soon as the Unnies heard the music they woke up and began singing to the song as I laughed at them,since the anime will take some time the company rented a house for us to live in plus we all speak Japanese so it's easy to interact with the Japanese Troublers.Mark Oppa is still doing promotions with NCT Dream,they're doing well and Justice are working on a new comeback which Miyoung and I wrote for them.

Once at the house or Mansion we entered and toured around the place,it had enough rooms for all nine of us so we all picked a room.I chose to second one from the stairs on the left and unpacked my things happily,Vernon already knows I'm here and so does Mark I put up a little collage of my friend and I,some with Mark and some with Seventeen.After doing the collage I put up my white board on the wall to my left on top of my desk,I placed it high enough for me to write on the board when I'm sitting down at the desk.I placed my reading books on the shelf near the door and hanged up fairy lights on top of my head frame,After finishing decorating I went down stairs and call Rinah Unnie to order food for us.She ordered sushi from the finest sushi restaurant here in Japan,as we waited I was on my MacBook when I suddenly got a video call from Krystal Unnie so I answered the call and she's with Amber Unnie.
-Video call-Bold Italic-Krystal and Amber
"Hi Unnies~"
"Hey~ We heard you're in Japan!" -Krystal
"Yeah we are"
"Jessica Unnie is in Japan right now~"-Krystal
"Jinja?!I call her after to see if she wants to met up!"
"Buy my new shoes!"-Amber yells from the kitchen
"*shakes head*She always wants new shoes~"
"I know right~Buy us stuff Arreso?~"
"Arreso Unnie~I'll buy you guys something annyeong!~"
-End of Conversation-
I call Sica Unnie about meeting up tomorrow and she said yes,she has a fan signing at the mall in a beauty shop and told me to stop since it's going to be early in the morning.Tomorrow is a day off then the next day we're going to record the first two episodes of the anime,I'm super excited about it and can't wait to see the end product.Rinah Unnie called me down to eat as I rushed down and ate with the others we talked about tomorrow's activities,finishing our sushi we went to bed.I woke up early and washed up to get dressed,I wore geeky glasses,a long sleeved shirt and some jeans I then put light make up on.

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