Chapter 6-Time jumps

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It's been 4 years since I last saw Kihyun. I haven't seen him after I gotten taken away. I hope he's okay. When the police took me back to my parents, I decided to face them and move out. I'm going to be moving into a new school tomorrow as a last year! And my Brother decided to live with me to take care of me just in case. He came home from studying abroad.
Hey Sis! I'm going to team dance practice now!
My brother was in a group named Monsta X. He only let me listen to their songs and not watch them because he doesn't want me falling in love with them. I always mentally laugh at that. Their songs are really good and my favourite is Stuck/ Focus On Me.
Okay! Have fun!
I yell back.
I'm now struck with boredom. I don't really know what to do so I decide to watch some dramas. I needed to catch up on Lets Fight Ghost so I started watching it. I get really scared easily. There was a scene where a celebrity committed suicide and I started to cry because I once felt like that. When she popped up out of no where I got scared and screamed. What I didn't notice was that my brother came back from practice and razored me from behind. I screamed so loud.
He was just laughing and rolling in the floor.
Don't do that I get scared easily.
He finally noticed I was crying.
Hey, hey, don't cry. What's wrong? Did I scare you really bad? He's really concerned for me.
It's not that.
Than what is it?
When you went to study abroad, I pause and look down at my fingers.
Mom and dad abused me and basically bullied me. I would slit my wrists and think about suicide. I ran away from home and met this guy that I fell in love with but the police took me away and I never saw him again. It's just a trigger from the guost in this drama.
He looks at me with wide eyes.
Eula why didn't you tell me? I could've taken care of you!
I was scared. If I told you they were going to hurt you too!
YAH! I don't care! You're my only sister! Aigoo you're so stubborn!
It's 9pm you should go to sleep. You have school tomorrow, it's your first day too.
I walk back into my room and fall asleep on the sheets.
I quickly jolted up and then quickly sighed. I waddled over to the bathroom and gotten ready. I curled my hair, applied a little bit of makeup and wore a very casual outfit. A white T-shirt, some black skinny jeans with cuts at the knee and a leather jacket, with my school bad of course.
The car ride was a whole bonding experience with my brother. We had fun karaoke and talked about things. 
When we got there,
I'll walk you in. Plus I need to talk to some of my friends, they go here as well.
He brings me to the office and I get my timetable. I was about to take out my phone but then I realized I left it in my brothers car.
Argh, I left my phone in your car! (A/n brothers named will be revealed soon)
Okay let's go get it.
As I walk out somebody is calling his name.
We turn around and face someone who looks awfully familiar.
Oh Hey! Kihyun!
Haha yes that is my name! Who's this?
This is my sister, Eula!

Hi, I'm Eula! I don't mean to be straight forward but you look awfully familiar.
I'm Kihyun! Sorry but I don't recognize you.
This is the Kihyun I met 4 years ago right? The one I never saw again?
This has to be Kihyun

Author-nim here! Hello! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! It was a bit longer than most of the other chapters.
I don't even know why but Shownu always seems like a brother so I put his as Eula's brother Lol
I hope you enjoyed!
I love you guys and thank you for reading 💖
Word count// 699
Time written: 9:54 pm

What Happened To Us?//Monsta X Kihyun ff ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin