Chapter 8- Jihyun!!

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After school has finished, I wait for Shownu to show up and drive us home.
I've been waiting for 30 minutes now and practically everybody went home now. I was sitting on the stairs at the gateway.
Where is he? I wonder
Just as I was about to click his name and call him a cold pair of hands pulls me and I drop my phone. They drag me all the way to the soundproof music studio. I see six boys all there. One of them being Kihyun. I was about to scream but someone interrupted me.
Hun. This is soundproof, even if you scream no one an hear you.
I hear soft chuckles as everybody is laughing at me.
W-what do you want from me?
I was scared that's for sure. I was used to getting abused by my parents but this is something else.
Kihyun laughed.
Don't leave her here not hurt at all. She need some sort of punishment.
I widened my eyes in fear. I was really scared and threatened.
They just laughed.
Someone with frosty blonde hair picked me up and threw me across the room. I landed on my right side and that hurt like hell. Another one with soft brown hair came up to me and started kicking me in the stomach as someone else started kicking my back. Someone else with blond hair smells up to me and punched and slapped me a bunch. I started to loose a bit of my vision from tears. Another 2 of them came up to me and started kicking me around the leg area.
I hear someone scream out.
It was a feminine voice. They all looked surprised and stopped. They quickly got up and left me there as the girl approached me.
Eula oh no. Eula! Eula can you hear me?
It was Jihyun.
She crouched next to me and my bloody ass face. She pet my head.
My eyes started to give out on me as more tears escaped. But she quickly was yanked up by Kihyun.
Awww sis, the fun just started!
He exaggerated the awww and gave a familiar smirk.
She's hurt! How could you?!
Just before I closed my eyes and went unconscious, Jihyun slapped Kihyun and a tall muscular man showed up. I passed out and didn't see or hear anything else.
My new best friend was passed out on the ground with blood coming off her lips and nose. She was bruised all over her body. What I didn't realize was all the scars on her body. Especially on her wrist. I hope she's okay. I slapped my brother when somebody walked in.
Shownu. Shownu? What was he doing here?
He looks at Kihyun and the rest of the boys with a wide mouth. He ran over to Eula and checked her pulse and breaths.
I didn't think you would go that far. He said with anger hitched in his breath. He was looking at Kihyun.
I didn't think you would go as far as hurting my sister! HOW COULD YOU! He screamed out.
I was scared just by that scream.
Shownu oppa's sister is Eula.
Shownu and I helped her up and carried her to his car.
I didn't data word as I passed by Kihyun and Shownu did the same.
I think we should go to the hospital. I suggested.
No, he sighed she'll be okay. She's been through this. I'll treat her. I'll give you a ride home.
The car ride was silent. We arrived at my house and I quickly thanked him and ran the rough the door and slammed my room door shut just as someone came knocking on my door right after.
Jihyun! Talk to me!
I didn't respond to that stupid brother of mines.

Wow that was a dramatic chapter. Does Kihyun even remember Eula?
Thank for the reads and I hope you guys enjoy!
I love all of my readers! Thank you!
Word count// 668
Time written// 6:19 pm

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