Chapter 27- im sorry

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I just stood there in shock. I felt like my legs couldn't move anymore. They were glued in place, paralyzed.
I just felt so bad for Eula. I couldn't save her this time. Luckily I had my phone on me so I took it out and quickly called Shownu Hyung.
"Hello? Kihyun?"
"Hyung! They took your sister! I don't know who but a group people took your sister! I tried running after her but I could catch up!"
"Where are you right now?"
"The woods where I burnt my cabin down. You know where."
"I'm on my way. Stay safe."
He ended the call. I was getting worried for Eula. What if they were going to kill her. I shed a couple silent tears but at the last second I got on my knees and sobbed for a solid minute. Someone tapped me on the shoulder and it was Shownu Hyung. I quickly wipe away my tears and pretend like I wasn't crying in pain.
"Ah Shownu! You're here"
He hugged me. He probably heard my cries from a mile away.
"I think I know where she is"
He spoke with confidence. Is that why he took so long to get here?
My face started to light up with excitement. I was going to save the girl I love the most.

I slowly opened my eyes and scanned around to see where i was.i tried to get up but my right hand and leg was handcuffed to the built in bed. Where the hell was I? A built in bed?
"Oh you're awake!" A girl my age speaks. She was holding a tray of food and a glass of water. Was I in prison?
"I'm Lili, I'll leave this over here."
"Where am I? Who ambushed me in the forest?"
"Hun I can't say anything else"
I thought she would be nice but noooo. She just walked out. Rude. I wish someone would save me. I feel so lonely. Luckily I could reach the tray of food and I started eating. Even though it tasted like cardboard it was better than nothing. I'll survive however long until someone gets me.

We were driving for over an hour already. Is Shownu so sure that he knows where she is? There was a red light so we stopped. I decided to turn the radio on to burn our silence. It was playing one of our songs called "hero" and I just smiled.
"Hyung their playing our song"
I just started singing along and Shownu mumbled the lyrics as well. I'm assuming he wasn't in the mood or he's upset because Eula's gone.

After that lovely cardboard meal *note the sarcasm* I was pretty full. It got pretty dark outside so I decided to just lay in the floor because I couldn't lay on the bed and try and sleep. But just as I was about to close my eyes someone walks in.
"Get up!"
A girl shrieks it out.
"That's me now get the up!"
I was hesitant and slowly got up.
"What don't you get about get up? And me yelling? You were supposed to be fast!"
She's angry. Just then, I felt a warm felling in my right cheek. She slapped me.
"There's some things I need to know. I have questions."
She said as she laced her fingers around the cozy antic of the blanket in the bed.
"What are your questions?"
"What's your relationship with Kihyun?"
I stare at her with my eyebrows in a questionable kind of figure.
"I-I don't know actually."
There was a moment of silence for a second.
"Let me ask again. What's your relationship with Kihyunie?"
I got irritated because I'm usually the one who calls him that. Nobody else really ever sells him that. She was annoying me with the same question.
"Like I said I don't act-"
"I've had enough with you. Girls just get her!"
She screamed out and cut me off.
Girls get me? What does that mean? A group of girls came in and nodded to her. Hyerin left the room and it was just me and these girls. They started off by pulling my hair and kicking me. Then they starting punching me and slapping me. It got worse and worse. One of them pulled out a gun and shot me in my right ankle. Another on of them got out a knife and cut my left cheek, right shoulder area and one of my knees. I'm assuming they did that so I had lower chances of escaping and running. Then on of them hit me in the head really hard with something and I blacked out.
The last thing I heard was screams and shouts.
But I was already out like a light.

Word count//806
Sorry for being so inactive! Schools starting soon and I've been getting busier. I'll try and update again soon!
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Love y'all!
Time written and published// 1:58am

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