Chapter 26-kidnapping?

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Eula was going to stay over again. I got excited but I didn't show my excitement. I want to catch some hoops with some of the boys after school so I let Jihyun and Eula walk back together.
I walked out to the basketball court and saw some of the boys. Jooheon, Wonho and Hyungwon were out there. I'm guessing the other boys, excluding Shownu, didn't bother coming.
"Let's do a two on two,"
We got into teams and start playing. By the time I felt presence it was already getting late, maybe 5 pm. What i didn't notice was a pair of eyes watching my every move. I told the boy to stop and I told them I felt some sort of suspicion over myself. I felt the eyes watching.
"Come out Hyerin!"
Jooheon screamed.
She slowly walked out.
"I need to talk to Kihyun,"
She seemed to be awfully shy, she's usually really confident.
I gave a nod. We walked farther away from the boys.
"What did you want to talk about?"
"What's your relationship with Eula?"
I sighed. Was she really only looking for an answer to that.
I suddenly stood up and was about to walk away but she grabbed my hand, sat me back down on the bench and kissed me. I felt shock run through my entire body.

"I'm going out for a walk"
I said to Jihyun as I started to put in my black vans.
"Okay! Get back safe! Love you girly!"
She was in her room cleaning so she shouted back at me.
I put on my navy blue bomber jacket and grabbed my phone and keys.
I stepped out as the fresh cold winter air blew through my stray strands of hair and gave me a cozy warm feeling. I was walking a round our school grounds when I spotted a girl and a boy. I tried looking closely but I couldn't see so I took out my circular glasses and took another look. Omo! It was Kihyun and Hyerin and they were,
I decide to scream that out just so he could properly hear me.
He quickly jolted up from his seat on the bench and had a shocked expression all over his face.
"This looks bad but it's not what it looks like i swear!"
"We're you kissing Hyerin?"
He didn't answer. He just looked into my eyes with guilt.
"Answer me!!"
I was eager for an answer.
"I was"
His voice cracked.
He was telling the truth, wasn't he?
At that moment I decided to run. I needed to get the hell out of here. I took my tiny legs in every step I took. I ran as fast as I could. I just ran and ran and ran. I looked behind me to see if anyone was behind me but all I could see was the darkness and the trees shadows. I looked around me to find myself I a forest. But as I was looking around. A compel of hands snaked around my whole body. On of the hand hit me in the head really hard. I felt dizzy and my eyes started giving out so I just decided to close them.

I could've swore she went that way! I immediately ran after her after she ran from me explaining.
I'm sorry Eula, you must feel so hurt.
I look around to see a familiar landscape. This is where I burned down my cabin. Did she go back here? I look around over and over until I see a group of people. One look to be strangling a girl. And one of them just knocked her out? It was definitely a her I heard a scream. I ran towards them but then carried the unconscious girl on one of their back and and ran. I tried to run after them because I saw a familiar face on the one of their backs.
It was Eula.

Word count/: 670
Author-nim here! I just wanted to explain to you guys a few things. So I haven't been posting cause now that school is nearing I've been busier. I've also been learning a lot of dancing and practicing sing for covers I wanted to post on my YouTube. I was going to update this chapter yesterday because I finished writing but I was just so devastated because my fish died right in front o me as I was cleaning his tank. I just felt so bad to the point where I cried for an hour. My mom hasn't pet my head like she did yesterday in years. I felt really bad bad you may be thinking that it's just a fish but my fish was a best friend to me especially one of the only friends I have left. I don't want to go too into detail about it. I've also been overworking myself too much to the point where I get super exhausted but I can't sleep at night. My back has been aching and my ankle has been hurting since school hasn't finished yet.
I'm sorry to be a debt downer but I just wanted you guys to know.
Anyways, I hope you guys have enjoyed this chapter and enjoyed reading! I love each and every one of my readers! Thank you for reading!
Time written// 11:53 am
Published//6:16 pm


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