Chapter 20- Oh no,

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I was nearing the hospital to visit Kihyun,when I saw two girls. One running and one running after her. But right as the first girl reached the end of the sidewalk I glanced over and saw a car coming her way. I tried yelling at the girl but it didn't work. So I started running towards her. But I was too late. She was hit, she flew up in the air, hit the car and fell straight to the ground. I ran by her side. It was Eula! My eyes started tearing and I was screaming her name. Kihyun was standing by me and she was in fear. She ran back to go get a nurse or something while I was checking for signs of breathing and a pulse. There was still one but it slowly started fading.
I started screaming. I knew it was no use so I carried her bridal style into the hospital as fast as possible. Jooheon was outside with Jihyun and as he saw Eula all bloody he widened his eyes.
A nurse quickly signalled me over and I placed her on a stretcher. They rushed her to a room for surgery. I couldn't enter whatsoever and I was left with bloody hands and the thought of loosing my sister. I sighed and let tears fall from my eyes. Jooheon walked up to me and hugged me. He kept saying that others going to be okay, but is it really?
When Jooheon left to go check up on the other guys and Kihyun, I walked over to Jihyun. She was practically dressed in water and tears. She must've been crying a lot. I can tell because her eyes were bloodshot red and puffier than Tsum Tsums.

Something I didn't expect was my brother hospitalized. Something else I didn't expect was my best friend to be hospitalized. Another thing I would have never expected was a tall,muscular man hugging me. Shownu. I slowly gave in and hugged him back.
"It's gonna be okay,"
He told me, but I cause easily tell that he was falling apart in the inside.

I see a girl. Long, silky, dark brown hair. I see a boy. Short, messy, dark brown hair. They were chasing each other in a sunny field of flowers.
"Together forever ahahah!"
They chanted together.
Then, what I'm guessing, their parents came up.
"Cmon kids we have to go home now!"
Their mother was so kind. She was like an angel. Their father was a tall man. Probably a business man.
Then all of a sudden that faded.
I see another girl, maybe the same girl? Sitting at her desk doodling cats all over her notebook.
"Yah! It's dinner!"
The boy from before comes up again but much older.
They ate peacefully at the dinner table with smiles and laughs.
Then that faded.
I now see Jihyun and I at school but farther apart, like we've drifted. Jihyun was with a blonde haired girl. She was awfully pretty and her smile could light up an entire room. Then a bunch of memories and flashback hit me like a truck.
It was Hana.

Oooo sort of a cliffhanger! Who's Hana? I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter even tho it's low-key a filler. I haven't had much time to plot and sketch out a whole storyline for this book and I've been having writers block :((
But thank you guys for reading! I hope you enjoyed!
Word count//592
Time written//11:38 pm
Published time// 11:39pm
UPDATE: so last night I checked the views and it was 200 and I started freaking out! Omo aigoo thank you guys so much for reading!

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