Chapter 17- A Date!

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I was dreaming out on the phone with Jihyun about what to wear.
Just calm down. My brother really likes you from what I can see so you don't have to dress so nicely. Just dress normally.
But if I dress normally would it still be considered a date?
Aish! this girl! Just wear something cute but casual. And don't over do your makeup and hair. I gotta go study girl. See you in like five minutes.
Okay fine. See ya!
I just decided to go with a casual pastel pink, spaghetti strap, romper with a thin knit cardigan. I loosely curled my hair and went really light with makeup.
Yess! Wow where are you off to in an outfit like that?
He raised a brow at me.
On a date.
He widened his eyes at me.
Are you serious? With who? Who is this guy huh?
I smile at his caring, protective self.
Can you please drop me off at the Yoo's?
He look at me with pure shock.
It's Kihyun isn't it?
I gave him a 'no duh' look.
During the car ride.
Look sis, be careful with Kihyun.
I questioned that statement
Hmm? How come? Is something wrong?
Ahh look were here! I'll take to you later!
I sigh at his remark and head up the stairs to his house as he drives away leaving me in wonder. I ring the doorbell and was greeting by Jihyun.
Hey girly!
We hugged each other and she told me to come in. I sat on the couch on my phone and Jihyun told me to wait for Kihyun. Gosh and people say girls take long to get ready. Jihyun sat across from me.
Are you excited?
I'm not sure. He hasn't told me where we're going so idk if I should be excited or not.
I think you should.
She gave me a smile as he walked into the room. Two words. God damn.
When I said Kihyun looked good all those other times, all of Those would never compare with how he looked tonight. He dressed pretty casually. He wore a white dress shirt with black skinny jeans. It hugged his figure so nicely.
He smirked at me.
Like what you see.
Ah- I I became flustered immediately. He smiled at my actions.
Let's go. He said as he wrapped an arm around my should as we walked out of the house. I knew Juhyun was gonna take a picture and she did.
In the car, we played some music both of us enjoy.
Big Bang's-If You came in from my playlist and I started singing. During the chorus Kihyun and I harmonized perfectly and then he sung alone. I felt so mesmerized by his angelic voice reaching the notes that are supposed to be reached. He caught me staring. He smiled and rubbed my hair to make it messy. I show my outing face at him and I returned what he did. We both let out laughs.
When we got there it was something I never expected, we were at a night market. I personally loved night markets because they were so festive and cute and you also have fun games and attractions. They would also have food stands and shops.
I had the biggest smile plastered on my face while Kihyun bought the tickets. He noticed and instantly smiled at me.
I knew you'd like it here, cmon lets go walk around.
We linked arms and our fingers intertwined with each other's.
We walked around for a while. We stopped at the one stand that had a bunch of accessories and we just played around with them. I put these heart sunglasses on him and he made a heart shape with them directed towards me. I laughed.
This night was so amazing.
We walked to a bunch of different stands.
Kihyunnie! I want ice cream. She begged with a pouty face and puppy eyes. She was so cute.
Okay let's go get some.
I have in and we walked over to a tiny ice cream stand. I got chocolate and she went for mint chocolate chip with nuts sprinkled. It was a cute decision. We finished eating the ice cream and we liked arms again. We got to the game isle and I really wanted her to remember this moment, so I decided to go and try to win something for her.
Haha if you can win I'll give you 10$ but I doubt you can.
You're on!
She laughed. Her laugh is so cute and unforgettable.
The only game I was really good at at carnivals was the ring toss. So I decided to go to the ring toss.
Surprisingly I won a medium prize and she had a shocked expression.
With a smirk on my face I asked her what do you want hun?
But you won it you can have it.
I insist, plus I want you to remember this night. I smiled at her and she blushed.
She chose a light brown teddy bear.
It reminds me of you too. She said.
I blushed at that statement.
Ooo! Can we go on the Ferris wheel?
She was super excited and I said okay.
We went on the Ferris wheel and she was squealing with excitement. She took pictures.
Maybe instead of taking pictures of the scenery, we take a picture together.
She stuck her hand out and when she was about to click 'snap' I kissed her in the cheek. There's a wonderful photo.
She was blushing so hard I saw through her foundation. She got out her instax printer and printed out a Polaroid of it. She gave it to me and returned my kiss.
We got off the Ferris wheel and continued walking around. We were having a good time.
All of a sudden we heard screams and saw people running.
I saw a group of people in black with masks and guns and knives. She held my hand so tight. I grabbed her and started running. We ran as fast as we could. Someone was right behind us and grabbed a hold of Eula.
She let go of my hand and screamed in fear.
I ran as fast as I could to her and as the man took the shot it hit me right underneath my heart. I managed to punch him and he ran.
I started to loose some of my vision.
KIHYUN! KIHYUN! Speak please! I heard the tears of fear and horror coming out of the person I least expected as I laid almost dead in the ground.
I lost my vision and things became blurrier.
Hello? 911. My boyfriend was shot at the night market please come immediately!
Oh my god Kihyun hang in there. Please live for me.
I love you Kihyun! Please don't leave me!
Those were the last words I heard before I blacked out.
I love you Eula.

Word count// 1167
Time written and published//11:23 pm
I hope you guys like this intense and extra long chapter! I might not post as much tomorrow because I need to finish a bunch of dramas and learn a bunch of dances so please forgive me! I hope you guys liked it though! Thanks for reading!

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