Chapter 4

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Edward's P.O.V 

I simply couldn't believe it. It is only in a matter of hours until our baby boy that we have so impatiently waiting for to finally be here with me ad his mother. Only a matter hours before we finally get to meet him and tell him how much we love him and how happy we are to finally have him. Mom called earlier, she said everything in his nursery was ready, that our home was ready to bring our child home. 

Now we wait. 

Bella looks uncomfortable, she hasn't been able to sleep for hours because of the pain. I told her we could ask for the epidural but she said no, that she read something on line that the epidural could affect the baby after birth. Instead she asked me if I could rub her tummy, which I gladly did. Looking at her even when she looked exhausted and still managed to look so beautiful, I thought: 

When did I get so lucky? How on earth did this angel fall into my life and made me the happiest man alive?   

I never thought I could love Bella even more but I was wrong because watching her carry our child during those nine months and now watching her ready to deliver him I realize I love her more than what I could have thought possible. 

"What are you thinking?" Bella asked me as I continued to rub her swollen tummy. 

I shrug. "About how much I love you and how excited I am to meet him." I look at her and smile. "What else could I be thinking about?" 

"Hopefully not more children," she said with a grin. 

I laugh. "Well actually I was thinking about three more and we'd be done."

"Three more?" She laughed, laying her head back. "You expect me to deliver three more children?" 

I shrug. "I always wanted a big family." 

At that Bella suddenly fell silent. I knew what she was thinking, I didn't even have to ask. She thinks about Tanya every once in a while, about how some of the goals I have in our marriage I used to have with Tanya. That's not true. Tanya wanted children, raise them in the city and have a big mansion with nannies and servants helping us around. I wasn't even sure if I wanted children with her. I wasn't sure if I wanted all that high class life style that looks so complicated. This what I have with Bella is simple. We both have serious roles in our relationship that we love so much. Lazy Saturdays, junk food, doing things for ourselves and still be happy.  This is what I want, what I'm willing to die for if I have to. 

I grab her hand and kiss her ring, reminding her there is no one in this world I would rather be with other than her. I lean forward and kiss her lips, that's when our doctor walked in to check her dilation. Just two more centimeters to go and we'll meet our baby boy.  

The next hour is of constant groans and cries from Bella as the contractions continued to get close and closer to each one. My parents and hers came in to wish us luck but neither of us payed much attention because of the pain she was filling. I wished I could take it all away but I couldn't, I had to watch her get through it. 

Once the hour was over, the doctor walked in and said it was time. Our baby was ready to be born. I helped Bella sit up as she groaned in pain because of the contractions. I supported her, holding her hands and kissing her sweaty head. The first push even hurt me. Bella cried out, pushing and clenching my hands so hard I wanted to take them away but I didn't. I held her and supported her through it. 

Push after push. 

Cry after cry. 

Push after push, again. 

Breath after breath. 

And push after push one last time. 

His cry told us that he was here, he was finally here with us. They asked me if I wanted to cut the cord and I did. They quickly cleaned him up and wrapped him up in a blue blanket. After they finished they handed him to me. He was so warm and so small. The moment I laid eyes on him I knew that I'll give anything, do anything for him and his mother. He was beautiful. He has long, brown eyelashes and brown hair just like his mother. 

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