Chapter 32

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Tanya's P.O.V

Leah leads me outside, pushing everyone out of our way until we reach a police car. She stops, yanking me back until we are face to face. Her expression is filled with anger, her lips are pressed together and the look in her eyes are murderous. I'm almost afraid of her.

"You are going home and you're packing your things and taking the first plane home, do you understand?"

I'm about to say yes because I want to go home, I want this to end right now. But as soon as I open my mouth, Edward, Jacob and a whole sea of police officers walk out of the starvation. The look on his face is just as murderous as Leah's, but hers is not as terrifying as his. He shoots me a murderous glare as he walks over to another police car, Jacob following in tow.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Nothing. Get in the car." Leah shoves me in the car. There's a man in the drivers seat. "Get her to her apartment, now." She looks at me and points a finger at me. "Go back to Chicago." She pushes herself off the car and runs to the one Edward and Jacob got in.

"Where are they going? What's happening?" I ask as we start to pull away. I turn in my seat and watch as they go the opposite way. "Please tell me what's going on? Did they find her?"

The man nods. "They found her."

I gasp. "Where-where is she? Is she okay? Is Tyler-"

"I said what I know, I cannot say more."

I lean back against my seat, air is rushing in and out of me. I can't believe it. They've found her. I need to... no, I need to go home and pack and go back to my parents and leave all this behind me. I really need to... I need to make this right. I can't leave without making this right. I cannot leave without helping Bella get back to her home, back to her husband and her child. I need to make it right.

I lean close to the small barrier separating us. "Turn the car back."


"Turn the car back!" I slam my fist against the steel barrier. "Turn it back right now! I need to help him!"

"I cannot do that!" He snapped. "Sit right back and shut he fuck up!"

I groan, pulling my hair with my hands. "I can help," I breathe. "I can help. Tyler won't know I'm coming, I can help Edward. I can help end this so please, for the love of god turn the car around." He doesn't answer. I take a peek of his name tag through one of the mirrors. "Mark, I know what you all think: I'm crazy. I... I know I'm not all there most of the time but I am now. So I'm begging you, let me help. I promise I will leave as soon as all this is over just help me make this right! I have..." a sob rips through me. "I have ruined their lives. I ruined mine. I can't move halfway across the country and forget. I can't leave without making it right."

"How are you going to make it right?" He asked.

"If I can get to her... If I can... I have to try," I sob. "Please let me try... shit!" My body jerks to the side and my head impacts the window when the car out of nowhere makes a u-turn. "What the..."

"I'm gonna lose my job," he said, gripping the steering wheel tightly. "So you better make this right."

I hold my breath as he presses against the accelerator, making the sirens go off. I grip the door handle tightly and pull my seatbelt on. Before I can ask him if he knows where he is going, he switches the radio on where a woman is shouting orders. I recognize the voice as Leah's voice. They're heading toward Seattle, they have local officers already on their way. They are not to make a move until they get there. My heart begins hammering when I hear her describe the suspect, describe Tyler. We fly by at maximum speed, getting closer and closer to our final destination.

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