Chapter 24

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Bella's P.O.V

The first thing I notice is that I'm under the eye of everyone in this room as I take a seat on the stand. Everyone, including Tanya's family, are looking at me. Judging me. I take a deep breath and look at Edward, looking for assurance. He doesn't disappoint, he gives me the assurance I need with his smile and loving eyes.

Mrs. Laurence walks up to me and gives me a reassuring smile. "How are you today, Mrs. Cullen?"

I swallow hard. "I'm good, thank you."

She nods. "Have you ever spoken directly with Ms. Denali? Before or after your marriage with Mr. Cullen?"

I shift uncomfortably in my seat. "Um, as in a normal conversation, no but I've had my encounters with her."

"What kind of encounters?"

"Not very pleasant ones," I answered. "Um, I'd see her almost everywhere I went. Outside the house watching, when I went to the market or if I was at the park for a run she'd be there. Then happened when she vandalized my car."

"What happened that day?"

"I had recently found out I was pregnant-"

"And how did your husband react to the news?"

"He was happy. I'd never thought he'd be so happy about it... Anyway, I was home alone when I heard her outside. When I looked she saw me and called me names, told me to get out and attempted to get in the house."

"Did she?"

"Thankfully she didn't but she destroyed the front door and window... It was the perfect opportunity..."

"For what?"

"To move out of there. I... I hated living there, it was almost a nightmare... I just couldn't live there, we both knew we couldn't after that. Even after we moved... She was always a shadow to us, following our every step... Our own neighbors knew it..."

I pause, remembering the time Jessica told Edward that Tanya was hanging around the house. I was shocked by it when I overheard their conversation. 

I approach the window and slightly open the curtains enough for me to see Jessica approach Edward.

"I'm sorry, it's just... how's your wife?" Jessica asked him.

"Um, she's doing well. Right now she's not feeling so great," he answered with a confused look.  

She nodded and sighed. "Look, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable or anything, Edward but I think I should tell you this." 

"Tell me what?" 

"I've seen your ex-wife... Tanya? Tanya is her name?" 

"Yes, Tanya." 

"I've seen her around the area, usually just walking around just aimlessly. Tyler has seen her as well and Angela, my nanny says she's sometimes seen her across the street looking at your house when you're not home." Jessica paused, taking a deep breath. "I don't want to start a problem or anything but yesterday I've seen her here just looking at the house."

What? I swallow hard the moment the words flew out of her mouth. Tanya is still around? Why? When? Has she been watching me? I look down at my stomach and take a deep breath. I look back at Edward, who looks pretty frustrated.

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