Chapter 27

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Edward's P.O.V

The last thing I knew is that the moment those words flew out of her mouth, there was a knock on the door. It was my family and Tanya was still there standing in the same kitchen where my wife was taken, telling me the person who took her was Tyler. I grab her by the arm again and drag her out the back door.


"Shut up!" I snap, covering her mouth. "Go home, I'll go talk to you when I can." She looked at me confused. "About Tyler," I clarify. "He was the man who attacked Seth, right?" The knocks at the door came again, this time louder and I was sure that would wake up Sam. Tanya had still not answered. "Right?!"

She nodded, her eyes growing wide. I take a deep breath and take my hand away, this might mean I'm a step closer to my wife and finding out what happened. The knocks come again, so I push her out the back door and close it. With a deep breath, I walk over to the front door and open it. There stand my mother, my father, my brother and his wife along with our cousin Jasper and his wife Alice.

"Why wouldn't you open the door?" Mom asked as she wrapped her arms around me.

"I... I was asleep," I lied, hugging her back. "Come on inside, I don't want the cold air hit Sam."

Everyone walked in. The moment everyone stopped was the moment I realized the mess my home was. Mom gave me a small smile before picking up the box of pizza and all the trash, Alice followed up to help her out. I've never felt so embarrassed in my life.

"No, Mom, Alice, you seriously don't have to-"

"Edward," Dad said, placing his hand on my shoulder. He gave me a squeeze before leading me on the couch. "Sit down and tell us what's going on."

I sigh, nodding my head. Before I could even realize what was happening, I notice Rosalie leaning in Sam's crib. I rush to her, pushing her away from my son. Bella wouldn't want her anywhere near our son, and I'll sure as hell don't want her near him as well. Everyone looked at me shocked, even Rosalie and it was hard to shock her.

I take a deep breath.

"Don't touch him," I warn her. "Just don't."

"She won't," Dad assured, walking up to us. "Rosalie, go help Esme and Alice."

She nodded and walked away. I reach in the crib and grab my son, pulling him against my chest. I sit down on the couch and gently rub his back. My father, my brother and my cousin sit there waiting for me to tell them what the hell has been going on.

I take a deep breath, gathering all the courage I have to tell then what's been going down the past eighteen months.

"On the day of my birthday in 2016, Bella woke up and Sam wasn't there. Tanya had him. She broke in and took Sam while they were sleeping and Bella had this massive panic attack-"

"And we know about this just now?!" My mother walked in with her hands on her hips. "Seriously, Edward?"

"Jasper and Alice knew," I said, pointing at them. "Plus, I didn't want you to know. I could handle it on my own." I run my hands down my face. "Long story short, Seth came to keep Bella some company and the day before he left, he went out to meet up some friends and never came home. There was this whole investigation and at the end we found out he ran into Tanya and she was the last person to see him before he was murdered."

"Was it Tanya?" Emmett asked.

I shook my head. "No, even though there was a trial held against her, it was more than clear that Tanya did not kill Seth."

"So who killed that boy?" Dad asked.

I shrug. "We don't know for sure but I have an idea. Tanya is the only that can help me right now, she was there and if I can get her to remember-"

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