Chapter 31

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Edward's P.O.V

Sam's laughter is what gets me through the day, through an hour the latest. I tighten my grip around him and bow down, securing my grip on the back of his head and swing him right back. That makes him laugh so joyfully, so loudly, it fills the entire room like an echo. It's a bittersweet feeling. It's causes more heartache. To think that I'm in his room, right now, holding him, making him laugh while Bella continues to be missing. There's no clue, not a fucking clue and I'm here with our son.

The door of his nursery opens and Mom walks in. The smile on her face doesn't make it any better. It's a sad smile. A bittersweet smile. Sam is still laughing when I fix him on my hip, holding him tightly against me.

"We'll be down there in a minute," I tell her.

She nods, pressing her lips together and closes the door. I look at Sam. He has a big smile on his face and chewing on his little cubby finger. I pull it from his mouth and kiss the top of his head. It's at moments like this that I wish he didn't look so much like me. It's at moments like these that I wish that when I looked at him, I was able to see Bella. But it's all me. The one thing that made me so proud in the beginning is now coming and biting me in the hungry.

"You hungry, buddy?"

He nods with his finger still in his mouth. I pull it out again and kiss his head one more time. My family is situated at our small dinning table when I come down. Well, my mother and Jasper. The rest are sitting on the couch over the coffee table, talking quietly. Bella and I didn't find use for a eight people table. It was just us. The three of us, more than enough. That's why we have a four person table, just in case in the future we decided to have another baby and if we had a baby after that we would only add another chair to that table. I take the open seat on the table and fix Sam on my lap. His high chair is right next to me, but there's no way he's sitting there.

That same chair was covered in blood... Bella's blood. Mom cleaned it up, almost to the point where it looked as good as new. However, I planned to burn that chair. Break it down to pieces and watch it burn. Watch this whole fucking house burn. Then I'd take my son's hand, Bella's with the other and walk away from here, as far as possible. But here I am, eating soup with my family and my wife is still missing.

"Have you talked to the detective?" My father asked.


I take a spoonful of my food and offer one to Sam. He opens his mouth widely and even then some of it spills on his chin. I take my napkin and wipe his little chin with it.

I haven't heard from Eric as well. I told him to track down Tyler for me, if what Tanya claims is true. I messaged Jessica, asking her if she knew where her husband was but she sent me both to hell and well as her prayers so Bella comes home safely. Not that I find them of any use. I need facts, not prayers and the only fact I have right now is that my wife is missing.

The phone rings, interrupting the heavy silence in the room. I get up, still holding Sam in my arms and walk over to my phone.

"Edward speaking," I answer.

"Edward, I need you to come down to the station."


"Yes. You need to come. Now."

"What's the matter? Did you find something?"

At this, my family looks up.

"Maybe. Come down immediately."

I hang up and look down at Sam. "Mom, I have to go down to the station. Can you take care of Sam?"

Mom gets up. "Of course, did they find something?"

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