Chapter 9

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Bella's P.O.V

Seth, you didn't come home last night. So when you wake up tell me where you are so I can at least not be worried about you all day. Love you.

I put the phone down and sigh. He didn't come home last night and that worries me. Yeah, he's done this before but he always send me a message letting me know so I wouldn't worry. He didn't. No call or anything. I'm giving him a two hour pass because it's barely eight in the morning and he sleeps in a lot, especially if he drank the night before but if he doesn't call me by eleven, I'll go out and find him if I need to.

"What's wrong?" Edward asked as he walked down the stairs with Sam in his arms. He was already changed in his doctor uniform and ready to go. We already had breakfast together while Sam was still asleep.

It really did surprise me that Sam slept through last night. There was a point where I believed that he would wake up but he didn't. He slept through the whole night and even slept in for thirty more minutes while we had breakfast. 

"Seth," I said with a sigh. "He didn't text me last night letting me know he wasn't going to be here. He is supposed to leave for Seattle at noon so he wouldn't be late for the meeting at work."

Edward smiled and walked up to me. "Baby, he probably was pissed out drunk and slept over at his friend's house." He wraps his free arm around me and kisses me on the lips. "Or he is at some girl's house or motel."

I slap him on his arm. "Not funny. What if he got hurt or something?"

"Baby, he is a grown man. He can take care of himself without having his little overprotective sister following each of his steps."

I sigh. "I know, but it worries me. I got a really bad feeling."

Edward shook his head. "There's nothing to worry about, okay? He'll call." He kisses me one more time before handing Sam to me. "I'll be home by seven, I love you."

I smile. "I love you, too." I kiss him on the lips again and watch him leave with all his grace. I can't believe that every time I lay eyes on him I fall even more in love than what I already was.

He is right, Seth can take care of himself. He always has but once he calls me to let me know that he is alive and alright, that he was pissed out drunk and slept over at his friend's and forgot to let me know, that his is sorry and let me spare his life I will cuss and shout the shit out of him. Not without first making sure Sam is in his nursery when I do so.

I grab Sam and sit on the couch with him on my lap. I pull my shirt down and offer him my breast, which he gladly takes. Oh, Damn! He is hungry this morning.

"I guess you also got your appetite from your father, didn't you, baby?" I joke with him as I watch him feed off me. I love doing this, it feels so right doing it. I look at him and smile. "I love you so much, Sam."

Besides all the shit that has happened in a short amount of time, I can't believe I'm still happy. Nothing can change that. And when I mean nothing, I mean nothing.

* * *

I was swinging Sam in my arms, thinking of things I could do now. Dinner is ready, the house is clean, Sam is bathed and changed and so am I. There's isn't much to do now. This is the part of the day that I hate the most. I have nothing to do now but wait for Edward to come home.

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