Chapter 33

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Bella's P.O.V

Tanya's face goes pale. Maybe she didn't know I was pregnant. She grabs hold of my shoulders, muttering no under her breath as she helps me lean on her body. Another sharp pain runs through me straight from my abdomen down to the in between my legs. I groan again, feeling the warm liquid run down between my thighs. There's no way my baby will make it out of this, I can feel it.

"We need-we need to get you to a hospital!" She choked out. "We need to go."

"He's still out there," I grunt. "He's..."

The front door is slammed open and Tyler walks in. Tanya gasps and her grasp around me tightens. I let out a small gasp and push myself back but Tanya wouldn't let me go. I try again, trying to put as much distance between me and Tyler but Tanya was frozen in place.

Everything happened so fast. Tanya grabbed the gun, Tyler launched at us and Tanya pushed me toward the wall. The thud my head made against the wall echoed through the room and the blood from my previous wound started running down the back of my neck. I could see through my blur vision how they both fought with the gun between them. Tyler won and he used the back of the gun to knock her out. Her body fell limp against the mattress. My breath came out in heavy breaths, causing a pinching pain in the center of my chest.

I watched in fear as Tyler checked the gun with a grin.

"Enough for the two of you," I heard him say as he locked it into place.

One second, he's pointing the gun at Tanya and the next there's a bang and his body falls to the floor. There's shouting and men in swat uniforms running inside. The more time goes by, the more I feel myself tired and cold. I drop against the cold floor, watching as they watch in horror the scene before them.

I hear my name being shouted.

I see him before I hear him again. He's in a vest and he drops his gun as he falls to his knees beside him. He gently takes my body in his arms but the pain is inevitable. He's crying, asking me to hold on.

"Hold on, baby. The paramedics are coming. Please baby, hold on." He kisses me. "Please, please I can't lose you. Bella..."

And that's the last thing I hear from him.

* * *

Their laughter is the first thing I hear when I open my eyes. I stop cold in my steps when I see them. Edward and Sam playing in the field but Sam looks different. He looks bigger. Maybe three or four years old? But how could that be? Edward is chasing Sam around the field, picking him up and tossing him in the air before letting him loose one more time. They look so insanely happy and not at all aware that I am there.

I touch the back of my head and notice the pain is gone.


I look up and both Edward and Sam wave at me, but don't ask me to join. A small gabble brings me out of my train of thought. I realize I am sitting on the field in a beautiful white spring dress and in my arms I'm holding a baby. A beautiful baby that reminds me of Sam when he was four months old. The baby is very much aware, looking at me with a beautiful smile. I'm in awe with the child as I run my finger down it's little lips.

"Hey you," I coo at him. "Aren't you a handsome thing."

I begin rocking him back and forth in my arms. I begin humming to him, watching how much fun Edward and Sam are having until I see her. A little girl off by the side of the field, watching Edward and Sam as well. She's slightly older than Sam. Cannot be more than five years old. Her hair is a strawberry blonde and she's very beautiful. I stand carefully with the baby in my arms and approach her.

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