Chapter 6

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Bella's P.O.V

Sammy is finally four months old. He is starting to look so much like Edward. He haves my hair but Edward's eyes and as time goes by his features are starting to look like his father's as well. We are both so in love with him. Edward spends so much time with him, holding him, talking to him it makes my heart swell with happiness. 

We go for walks some afternoons with him in his stroller. Edward talks to him and makes him giggle. Some of the people on the streets look at us in awe, which makes me smile at the thought that they see a beautiful family in us and we are. We are happy, like we should be. Like we deserve to be. Edward is so much more relaxed now, I guess not having Tanya around brings this lighter side out of him. I love to see him goofy and relaxed. 

"So, birthday boy, what do you want to do today?" I asked him as I put Sam in his crib. Edward sat at the table eating breakfast table. He sat there in his boxers and no shirt and he still managed to take my breath away. 

He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer to him. "It doesn't matter, a small cake with you and Sammy will make my day perfect."

I smile at him. "Well, maybe after that small cake I can give you your present, don't you think?" I lean closer to him and kiss him sweetly on the lips, which cause him to groan. "Now, finish your breakfast and get to work soon so we can some fun." 

He smiled. "Yes, baby." He kissed me one more time before finishing his breakfast while I breastfeed Sam next to him. 

Once he was done changing, the sexy man in boxers that walked in my room walked out as a sexy man in a doctor uniform. He left right after kissing me and Sam goodbye and wishing me a good day. 

I spend my day relaxed with Sam. He truly is an angel. He doesn't cry much, all he ever does is eat, sleep, poop and that's pretty much it. I love spending my day with him, he gives me something to look forward to every day just like his father. After we both spend a really blissful morning at our house I decided to go out to the Market and get everything I need to make Edward's favorite pasta dish and his chocolate cake. 

My little angel was perfectly calm through the entire trip at the market. He even stole a few hearts from various women that came up to me when they heard him blabbing from his stroller. Even Mike said he was a little flirt as he scanned my items and I couldn't agree more. My baby will be stealing hearts when he grows up just like his father. However he began to get a little angry on our trip back home and even started crying while I was putting out everything I needed to cook. His cries were so inconsolable I had to stop what I was doing and check if he wasn't hurt or something. 

He wasn't. He was fed and changed, so he was probably tired. I took him from his little stroller and carried him upstairs to my bedroom with Edward. He continued crying and throwing his arms in the air, it began to scare me. So, I began to sing to him.

Hush, little baby, don't you cry; Mama's gonna sing you a lullaby.

Hush, little baby, don't say a word; Mama's gonna buy you a mocking bird. 

If that mocking bird won't sing, Papa's gonna buy you a golden ring. 

If that golden ring turns brass, Mama's gonna buy you a looking glass. 

If that glass begins to crack, Papa's gonna buy you a jumping jack.

If that jumping jack is broke, Mama's gonna buy you a velvet cloak. 

If that velvet cloth is coarse, Papa's gonna buy you a rocking horse. 

If that rocking horse won't rock, Mama's gonna buy you a cuckoo clock. 

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