Chapter 26

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Edward's P.O.V 

My house was full of cops and investigators taken pictures and samples of the scene there is in my kitchen. It was obvious that someone had come in and attacked my wife in a brutal way, there was no doubt. According to Jacob and the evidence that they found in my kitchen, Bella must have been standing by the sink when she was attacked. She tried to get away, judging by the scratches on the floor, cabinets and door frame. The blood... I rather not know how the blood got there but Bella lost too much blood. After that she was dragged out of our home and carried somewhere into the woods, where the drops of blood disappear. 

All police departments, new channels and nearby towns are in alert and they have called a search party in the woods for this afternoon. Bella's parents are scared beyond belief and so am I. My family is right now on their way here, my mother claimed she wanted to be here for me and so does the rest, including Rosalie. They were pretty upset when I told him what had been going down here, upset that I kept them in the dark of the horrible events that took place.

I sit on the couch guarding over Sam as he sleeps next to me. He keeps asking for his Mom and I have no idea what to tell him next. I want to tell him Mommy will he home soon to take care of him, tuck him in bed and kiss him goodnight, but I'm not even sure myself if we'll see her again. I want to beat myself for leaving her alone. I shouldn't have left her alone, I should have taken her with me. I should have protected her, I should have done like I promised. I want my wife back. I want back and safe and I want our child to be safe.

"Mr. Cullen." I look up at Jacob Black, who comes out of the kitchen and sits on the coffee table across from me. "We're done here, the search group will gather up at four. Will you be okay till them?"

"I'll be fine," I said without looking at him. "Just get those people out of my home. I'll clean up the mess."

"The scene has already been cleared," he said. He paused for a second and then he said, "The jury has come to a conclusion."

I look at him. "What do you mean they came to a conclusion? I thought there was a month left?"

He nodded. "Yes but the evidence is enough. It wasn't Tanya who killed Seth. You know it, I know it, even they know it. They are sure she must know something but for her to kill him, it is more than clear that she isn't the one we should be pointing fingers at."

"So then what?"

"She's being released this afternoon, after that we have to continue the investigation until we find the person who did this." He paused, looking down at his hands. "And I have a feeling that the person who did this is the same person who killed Seth."

I smile to myself. I've thought of that as well, but that motherfucker is lucky I have no idea who he is because if not, I would have haunted him down and killed him by now. I don't care what the cost is, I'm getting my wife back.

Jacob, noticing that I wasn't going to add anything to his comment, excused himself and walked to my door.

"Jacob," I said, calling his attention. He looked at me curiously. "Make sure that woman does not show up here. I'm not going to hold responsible of my actions if she turns out at my door."

He chuckled and shook his head. "Trust me, if she did then she just won the prize of the woman with the biggest death wish in the world. And maybe also the one of the stupidest one as well. I'll see you later, Edward."

With that said, he walked out and closed the door. It was just me and Sam now, alone in this big house that now feels so empty. I can't even turn to the kitchen because either I hope I'd see the love of my life cooking or preparing Sam's bottle, or that horrible scene I came home to days ago. I look down at Sam, who sleeps soundlessly next to my lap with his hands to the side of his head like when he was months old. I run my hand down his tummy and sigh.

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