Chapter 21

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Bella's P.O.V

We followed Jacob down the hall to his office. He called us this morning saying he had something really important to show us, that it couldn't be delayed. Edward had to call off work and since it was so suddenly, we couldn't get a nanny so we had to bring Sam with us. Once we entered his office, we're greeted by Leah.

We all take our seats and wait for Jacob to speak. Edward holds my hand the entire time, he told me yesterday Tanya had been arrested, he told me why. The tapes of the bus that morning, her appearance, it all pointed at her. So that's why we're here, I guess.

Jacob sighed. "We searched her apartment yesterday," he said.

"And?" Edward asked.

Jacob reached in his pocket and took out a plastic bag with two Galaxy 6 Edge. One of them is Seth's, I recognize it by the crack on the edge of the screen, the other I have no idea who's it is but it is covered in blood. I look at Jacob curiously as he just nodded to himself. He pointed at the bloody phone.

"That phone was the phone Seth had on him when we found him," he said. "And the other phone-" he pointed at the clean one, "-was the phone we found in Tanya's apartment. That phone was Seth's phone, she had it this whole time."

I sit up. "So you're saying that Seth had her phone when he was killed? And she had his phone the entire time?" I couldn't believe it. I could feel my heart start to pick up speed. Edward rubbed my hand, giving me support.

Jacob nodded. "Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. We looked through her phone and we found a video that was taken the same night Seth died. That's why I called you." He turned his computer monitor toward us and pressed the enter key on his keyboard.

The video starts very shaky at first, you could barely see what was going on. Whoever was taking the video was in a very bright place, the lights were almost blinding from my point of view.

"Jesus Christ," Edward muttered under his breath.

The camera is placed on a hard surface, that's when I notice she's in a bathroom. All you can see now is her standing in front of a mirror, supporting herself on the sink so she wouldn't fall. She sniffed and pulled her wet blonde curls from her face. She was the worst mess I've ever seen, if I thought her original state was bad, this was worse. She was out of her mind.

"Can you believe he put her in my home after we divorced?" She slurred without taking her eyes off her reflection.

"What a bitch!"

"I know!" She laughed. "I... I put everything on that house. I put the furniture... The-the decorations, everything! Everything in that damn house was mine and that son-of-a-bitch gave it to her! He gave it to her," her voice cracked. "Then he threw it all out. Out! In the trash! Just because his little wife couldn't bare to be the shadow of another woman! So, he moved houses for her and bought her new furniture. Except-except for the bed. He loved our bed so he kept it. I'll be honest with you, that was a good bed to... well, you know. On rare occasions but something is something..."

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