Chapter 25

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Bella's P.O.V

We didn't talk, however. The entire ride back home was silent. So silent, that the only sound in the small space we found ourselves in was our heavy breathing. Edward was quiet the entire time, his hands gripped the steering wheel so hard to the point his knuckles started to turn white. His breathing was shaken, he was trying really hard to keep his temper. He never lost his temper with me before, he has never been so mad at me before but something told me this would be the first time and that I wouldn't like it not one bit.

I don't blame him, if it were me who found out he lied about Tanya and their history, if Tanya would have been the woman who slept next door after everything she did, all the harm she's caused, I would be pissed about it as well. This is different, however, we lived next to him for a long time. They greeted each other every morning, saw how each of their lives turned out just a few feet from each other. Slept a few feet from them with our child. I was scared of him, yes, but as time passed by and Tyler continued to ignore my presence, I knew he had left it all behind and that I was able to leave it behind as well. I didn't want to tell Edward because I knew he would try to kill Tyler if he could. I didn't tell him when we first met because I was still terrified of him and I was trying to move on from it.

I tried my best to stop crying during that ride. I didn't want to cry, I wanted to explain myself and tell him why I lied to him. He has to understand, he always does. This can't be any different, can it?

We reach Forks hours later and yet we were still stuck in that horrible silence, not even looked at each other once. All I wanted was to go home with my baby and talk to Edward, explain to him and leave this all behind. I want to leave it all behind, I want to be able to live in peace with my family. I rub my stomach and silently beg my baby to forgive me for being such a horrible mother. To both my babies and my husband for being such a horrible mother and a wife.

We pass by my parents house but Edward doesn't stop the car.

"What are you doing?" I ask him with a cracked voice. "Edward, we have to pick up Sam."

"He's not coming home with us tonight," he said sternly without looking at me.

My body starts to tremble. "What do you mean... He's not coming home? Edward, turn the car around." He ignored me and continued to drive home. "Edward, turn the car back, we have to bring Sam home!"

"No!" He snapped. "I'm not turning the car back, you and I need to have a very serious talk, Isabella, and I don't want my kid there listening to it!"

"I want my baby! Turn the fucking car around!" I cried out loud. By now, I was shaking uncontrollably. I need my baby back.

"I told you!" He roared punching the steering wheel. "I told you not to fucking lie to me and that's the first fucking thing you did! You could have told me, Isabella, I would have been able to understand! I come to find out by that fucking lawyer at that fucking court!"

"You would only try to kill him!" Probably not the best excuse but it was the first thing that came out. "Edward, you would have killed him and then it would be you in that court room."

"I don't care!" He yelled. "I asked you, I told you not to lie to me and you fucking did!"

He parked the car in our driveway and got out, slamming the door behind him. I get out as well and rush inside behind him.

"Take me to my son," I beg him. "Please, Edward, let's just bring Sam home. Please!" He ignored my protest and drank from his whiskey. "Edward, I'm begging you!" He didn't even look at me once. I run my hands through my hair. "Fine, I'll go get him!"

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