The Second Attack

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One Year and A Half After Bella and Edward's Marriage...

Bella's P.O.V

It was his second attempt to leave the house, the first one I just dragged him back to bed with me and he had to get ready for work all over again afterwards. He kissed me on the lips passionately before walking out of the room. I'm left on the bed with a goofy smile on my face until I hear the front door shut, that's when my smile fades. The house is very silent after he leaves, very cold. It's almost as her ghost is lingering around the house and it scares me.

I don't know why I agreed to live in the same house my husband once lived in with his ex-wife. A place he hated to come to, a place where she waited for him to come after he left my apartment, a place where she killed her own baby and attacked Edward. That was a year ago but I can still feel her rage. It's like living in the shadow of another woman, replacing her in the place she once used to call home. I've seen her sometimes watching over the house. She just stands outside and looks at it. She's always a mess and she gained weight, nothing like the beautiful woman that was once married to Edward. I've told Edward about her guarding but he waves it off saying she's just sad. I've told him to sell the house but Edward said he put a lot of his money in it and he would basically loose 70 percent of it if he tried to sell it.

I don't want to live here. I hate this house, I hate the mirror I look at every morning to brush my hair because she used to brush it there, I hate the kitchen because she cooked there, I hate the bathroom because she once bathed there. She's here, all of this place has her mark on them. Edward told me I could change anything I'd like to but I haven't touched a thing here, I can't bring myself to do it. I have to ask him to move, we have to move. At least I'll tell him depending on what the results are.

I grab my robe and wrap it around me and walk to the bathroom. I take the tests out from under the sink and open the pack. I take all four tests that came in the pack and place them neatly next to each other and set timer. I sit back on the toilet and just stare at the wall as I wait for time to pass.

I'm scared, really scared. I don't know if Edward wants children yet, he was clearly devastated by what happened with Tanya. I don't know if he's ready, I don't know if I'm ready but I do know one thing: if I am pregnant, I will love and protect this child with everything I have. This is our baby, something we made with love and he wouldn't be a replacement for the one that Edward lost. Neither our baby and I are a replacement for Edward, we're a beginning.

The timer goes off and I look at the four pregnancy tests. I smile to myself when I see the four POSITIVE signs on each stick. My hand flies to my abdomen and I caress it, there is a baby inside me. Our baby. I decided to surprise Edward at work and tell him, I don't think I can wait until he comes home.

As I made my way down the so familiar hall, I come across Jasper, Edward's cousin. He smiles at me and stops before I could make it to Edward's office.

"Bella, how are you today?" He asked politely.

"I'm good, thank you, Jasper. How are you and Alice?" His wife Alice and I started to become great friends after Edward and I got married. She works so she has a busy schedule while I stay home, so we don't get to see each other very often.

"We're great. Are you here to see Edward?"

I nod. "Yes, is he busy?"

"No, he just finished an appointment. Go ahead."

I nod at him. "Thank you, Jasper... Oh, one more thing before I leave you." He looked at me curiously, I just smile at him. "I'm going to need an appointment with you soon, do you think you can help me?"

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