How it began

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Edward's P.O.V

I rub my face, up and down, harder enough almost to the point of pain. I can't believe it has gotten to this point. It's ridiculous, she really couldn't have meant it, but yet she did and she did it. How the hell am I going to get out of this? Her family is looking at me as if it is my fault, but it isn't. Our marriage has been going down the hole for years now, why couldn't she understand?

The waiting room is quiet. Everything around me is going on really, really slow. My parents quietly have a discussion with the Denali's, my brother is on the phone with his wife, giving her the update on how things are going. I rub my face again and hang my head between my shoulders. I'm exhausted, I need food and I need sleep as soon as possible.

The lobby doors open and two cops walk in, catching everyone's attention. They walk straight to me and I sit up, giving them a tired nod. Did I really want to go through this? No, but I had no other choice.

"Mr. Cullen, can we have a moment to talk to you?" The first officer asked.

"Sure," I sigh, motioning them to take a seat. They do. I watch them carefully as they take out a notepad each and look at me with both curiosity and suspicion.

"How's your marriage, son?" The first officer asked.

The simple question made me laugh.

"What's this?" Eleazar comes rushing to us. At this point, our entire family is gathered around us. Great, it's like this is some kind of parade. "What are you doing here?"

"It's just routine. I'm officer Sandler and this is my partner Hanson, we're just hear to ask some questions, that's all."

"Well, I'd like to hear the answer to these questions!" Carmen shouts, as always, making my head sting. "I want answers as to why is my daughter here!"

"Carmen!" Eleazar snaps. "Let them do their job."

"Thank you," I mutter under my breath and look at the officer. "My marriage, Officer Sandler, has been going down to hell for a couple of years now. I thought we reached a point of no retreat-"

"What does that mean?" Eleazar snaps.

"Your daughter and I have not been able to have a simple conversation that doesn't end in yelling at each other and slamming the fucking door in our faces," I snap without looking at him. "Everything is never good enough for her. I work too much or I don't work enough to afford her expensive jewelry and designer clothes. I don't spend enough time with her or she needs time for herself. Nothing I do keeps her happy so I have no fucking idea what you expected me to do."

"Alright," Officer Sandler sighs. "So, your marriage was not going good. Did your fights ever reach the point of physical aggression?"

"No, I never laid a hand on her," I say, truthfully. "She might have thrown shit at me in the past, but I never laid a hand on her."

"Do you have any idea what could have lead her to this?" Officer Hanson asked.

I nod, looking down at my hands. "Yeah, I think I know what might have caused this little tantrum."

"Tantrum?" Carmen snapped. "My daughter swallowed pills-"

"She did not have the intention to kill herself, she did it to manipulate me into backing out of the divorce!" I snapped back.

"I knew it!" She cried out. "You are the reason she-"

"I would appreciate if you stopped pointing at my son like he's some kind of criminal!" My mother snapped. "Carmen, you know things has not been going well between them-"

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