Information About Prequel

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Hi Guys! Sorry I've been absent but ever since I finished high school, I've been working nonstop at my mom's food truck and it gave me little time to write but IM BACK! Pretending to be an adult hahaha seriously I've got no clue what happens from now on 😂 if anyone got the answer, please tell me, this whole adult thing seems complicated lol

ANYWAY about the prequel. I've been putting much thought and I will do it but it will not be a full on story like my previous. More like little outtakes from moments that are mentioned in The Perfect Life. I think maybe ten chapters tops, I have three down already.

Anyway, I'm still working on my current stories and a new one that I think you guys will love but will not be published yet.

Thank you guys for the amazing support!!

Much love, Joan0324! ❤️

The Perfect LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora