Chapter 17

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Edward's P.O.V

It's been two days since we learned that Seth was dead. The autopsy report came yesterday, the day after Tanya decided to show up at my house and tell me she remembered something. I didn't believe her, how could she remember something so fast after barely twenty four hours that I asked her to try. It was ridiculous and almost reckless. I was pissed that she would show up at my house like that.

I read the autopsy report. Seth must had fought his killer because he had bruises and scratches all over his knuckles and wrists which gave a clear view that whomever killed him was not a woman. He fought, however he didn't fight hard enough. He had multiple featured ribs, internal bleeding and his face was at one point swollen but by the time they found him the swelling had gone down, that's why Charlie recognized him almost immediately. What killed him was the hit he got on the back of his head, it was with something hard and heavy. It featured his skull badly. That's what killed him.

Now the police knew they were looking for a man, not a woman which I hope will get Tanya out of this whole thing. I certainly do hope that at one point that night when she either found out who he was or he found out who she was, they both went their separate ways and that's when Seth unfortunately came across his death.

I hope so.

It was a fairly busy day today at the hospital and almost infernal. Almost everyone I came across told me how sorry they were for our loss and that Seth was a good kid. Like I didn't know that, he was one of my best friends and it does hurt he had such a horrible end. It does hurt knowing that he's gone but I have to be strong for Bella and Sam, they need me right now.

I head straight to my office after I finish another appointment. I'm surprised to see Detective Black standing in my office, looking out my window like he owned the place. I hold back a groan just at the simple fact that I have to deal with him again. He turned to me when I walked in and offered me his hand for a quick handshake.

"Detective, to what do I owe the pleasure?" I ask as I motion him to sit down and take a seat across from him.

"It's a very important matter," he said as he sat up and leaned on my desk. "Trust me, I would usually let it pass but I can't on this one."

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's about Tanya, your ex."

I groan out loud this time without caring that he hears me and thinks I'm a child. "Yes, she was arrested yesterday for violating her restraining order. That's what happened, it got taken care of."

"That's not what I wanted to talk about," he replied. "I interrogated her again yesterday."

"For what?"

"Well, I needed to know why was she at your place," he simply said. "She said she remembered something from the night Seth went missing."

I nod. "Yes, she told me that as well but I'm sure it was complete bullshit. She was drunk yesterday."

Black narrowed his eyes. "She didn't seem drunk to me."

I hold back another groan. "She did to me and trust me, I've known the woman for eight years. I think I know when she's drunk. Yesterday my wife was still grieving the loss of her brother, I had no time to listen to her crazy so-called memories." 

Black shook his head. "Well, you might not have had the time, but I did and there are things she said that fit in and at the same time they don't."

"What is it?" I asked.

"She says that the night Seth went missing they were walking and arguing, she doesn't know where they were walking but they came across a man. Ms. Denali does not remember exactly what happened after that but I have reason to believe that man was or is the man who killed Seth."

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