Chapter 22

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Eighteen Months Later...

Bella's P.O.V 

I laugh when Sam splashes water over and over in attempts to catch his rubber duck. He laughs as well, shrieks in excitement as the water makes small waves all around him. I reach over and grab his shampoo and slightly begin to rub his little head with my fingers. My little boy need a hair cut just like his father. His cute curls now can cover his eyes. Once I'm done, I rinse him out and wrap him around his cute frog towel that has frog ears when I put the small hood on his head. 

"Da!" Sam calls out as I pick him up. I turn around to see my handsome husband standing by the door with a wide smile on his face. Sam begins to jump up and down in my arms and reaches out for his father. 

"Well, if it isn't the two most beautiful people on this whole world." Edward walked over to us and placed a kiss on my lips before taking Sam from me. "How was your day, love?" He asked me as he messed with Sam's hair over the hood. 

"Productive." I point to the little monster he holds in his arms. He can make anyone's day productive, this boy never sits down for five seconds. I love how energetic he is but I do miss when he was just a little baby. "How was work?" 

"Work is work," he shrugged it off and kissed Sam's head. "I was having a fairly boring day so I decided to come home to my two little angels." 

I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist. "I'm glad you did. I missed you." I kiss him on the lips, ignoring Sam's little protest and pushing his dad's face away from mine. Edward and I both laugh and look at him. 

"And you need to be changed because it's almost bedtime," Edward told him. 

"No!" Sam cried out, wiggled out of his father's arms and ran away from us, leaving his towel behind. 

I laughed as I saw a Edward chase our naked little boy down the hall to his room. I walk down the hall, listening to their laughter and struggle as Edward attempts to catch him. When I reach Sam's room I see Edward chasing him around the room and Sam trying to get away from him. I can't believe my baby is going to be two years old in two months, he's growing up so fast. I run my hand down my still flat stomach, thinking about the new addition Edward is still not aware of is coming. I slowly walk away from the room and enter my bedroom. 

I still don't know whether to tell him or not about my pregnancy. He's been so stressed about the trial and on top of that work that I'm not even sure having another child will be wise right now. Well, not that we have any other choice. The baby is coming whether we like it or not. I sigh and sit down at the edge of our bed. The trial is barely beginning. After months and months of evidence collection, finding the right lawyers for both sides, a suitable jury and judge, among so many other things I don't even know what they are, it began just two weeks ago. 

I asked Edward to keep me out of whatever happens there. I don't want to hear anything about it, I just want to live in peace. He's getting updates from Jacob, who is attending every day to see what goes on. 

"What's the matter, baby?" I look up at Edward, who holds a now fully changed Sam in his arms. 

I shake my head. "Just tired, that's all." 

He gives me a small smile and says, "Why don't you lay down? I'll put Sam to bed." 

I reach out for Sam. "My kiss, baby." Edward brings him over and hands him over to me. I grab my little boy and kiss his cheek. "I love you." 

"Me to," Sam said before going back to his father. 

* * * 

"I don't think it's just tiredness what you have, Bella," Edward said as he wrapped his arms around me from behind. I stop brushing my hair and look at him through the mirror. He kissed my exposed shoulder and added, "You know I don't like it when you hide stuff from me." 

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