Chapter 14

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Edward's P.O.V 

I park the car at the usual cafe we used to meet up at before things went down the hill. Well, sometimes, not very often. Most of my free time I spent it with Bella. Speaking about Bella, she is going to kill me for this but I have to do it. We still can't identify the body yet because of some procedures but if I can talk to her and get the right information out of her, maybe that will lead me to something.

Tanya opens the door and climbs in the passenger seat. She doesn't say anything, she looks nervous and even scared. She looks different from yesterday. She finally showered, her hair is done and she has a little make up on. She slightly turned her head to me then away, she was definitely nervous.

"Hello, Tanya," I said to break the silence.

"Hi," she said back quietly.

"Bella doesn't know I'm here, I want to keep it that way so can you tell me why you insisted on talking to me so soon?" I asked slightly turning in my seat to face her. "I need to be at work in twenty minutes."

She nodded and cleared her throat. "I... I have questions."

"About?" She swallowed. "Tanya, just spit it out."

"Why do I have a record on me?" She asked, looking at me. "The police said I have a record, why? What did I do?"

I frown. "What are you talking about what did I do? Seriously, Tanya? Do you really think I'd treat you like this just because?" Now, I was getting mad. She always pulled this bullshit on me. "This is ridiculous, Tanya. Do you seriously think the only reason why Bella doesn't want you around was because you're my ex? Do you really think she'd be that big of a bitch?"

"I don't remember!" She cried out.

I laugh. "You don't remember, of course. Tanya doesn't remember. Why didn't I think of that?"

"What does that mean?"

"You never remember, Tanya. Anything bad that happens, anything bad you do, you don't remember. It's always been like that," I chuckle and pinch the bridge of my nose. "You just never change."

"What do you mean I never change?" She asked through her tears. "Have you even taken a proper look at me? I'm not the same woman I used to be!"

"No, Tanya, you're exactly the same!" I snap. "Exactly the same so don't blame this shit on me and if you only called me to cry about it, then get the hell out of my car."

She shook her head and cleaned off her tears. "That's not why I called you. I called you because I need help, Edward. The police are after me and I can't even remember one single thing about anything that's on my record. I didn't try to beat you with a bat or vandalized anything or tried to break in... I didn't try to kidnap Sam."

"Then what did you do?" I asked irritated. "Tell me, what do you think you did? Tell me what would you think when a sick, delusional woman breaks into your home and takes your child?"

That seemed to get to her. She had to understand it, there's no other way. I told Bella I lied to the police about her trying to kidnap Sam to the police to get rid of her but it seems like they're doing nothing. I can't have Sam in danger with this woman, I can't risk another child. She has to remember. She doesn't remember what happened the night Seth went missing, that means something bad must have happened to her apart from the obvious.

Jacob Black says she's not really a suspect, more like a unreliable source. She's a mess, she doesn't have her life together and her record just proves it. It's also stupid to think she could ever go against Seth. If Bella could take her down once, imagine what Seth could have done to her if she ever attempted to attack him.

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