Chapter 4: Twenty questions

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Chloe's POV

I make my way towards the man by the door and put my beautiful iPhone and purse in his large hand. He than points a beefy finger into the long, crowded pale blue hallway to a tall African-American guy who I'm guessing is my leader. I walk towards him with my best 'let's be friends smile.'

"Hi Chloe, I'm Emmet, but feel free to call me E.T. As you can probably already know, I'll be your leader for this season of the norm games." He pauses and quickly checks off something on his clipboard before saying, "Would you like me to explain more about my self and my role when Josh gets here, or Now? If I explain it now, you'd have to hear it twice though..."

"We can wait for him, I guess."

Shrugging, I turn around to look for Josh. I spot him by the exit door a second later. I'd say he looks irresistibly hot, leaning against the door frame, shaggy brown bangs hiding most of his face, but he's having an argument with the security guard at the door. That fact alone makes him perfectly resistible. Well, kinda.

I watch Josh fight with beef fingers for another five minutes before he hands the man his phone, and walks towards us with an angry scowl.

Guess he lost that fight.

"Hi Josh, I'm Emmet but you can call me E.T. I'll be your leader for this season of the games!" E.T smiles to an angry Josh as soon as he's in hearing distance. "I think you've already met Chloe," Josh nods his head lightly, answering the unasked question. "So we can skip the introduction." E.T., once again, quickly checks off something on his clip board, and turns back to Josh and I with a grin on his full brown lips.

"My clip board says to take you guys to your apartment, but I still have to tell you guys about myself, and what my role is in this so you don't think I'm just another handsome, yet useless angel."

I don't know about the angel part but, E.T. is definitely handsome with his dark skin and easy going attitude. His best feature to me is his strong, perfect jar line that was made with the sharpest knifes. Coming is second is his wacky sense of style. A purple scarf is loosely wrapped around his neck. Matching that is his purple dress tee, paired off with black jeans, and bright red vans. He looks like a mess, but at the same time it works for him.

"I wouldn't mind talking about me for the next hour and a half, but sadly there's no 'I' in team," He pauses, a puzzled look crossing his face. A second later, he mumbles to himself, "at least that's what the directors told me." Shaking his head, he continues. " Anyways, I'm going to need to know a little bit about you guys. I suggest we play twenty questions or something like that. What do you guys think?" E.T. turns his head to the left side to look at me, and than his right to look at Josh.

"Twenty questions sounds like fun." I reply turning to Josh for his answer.

"Fine." That's all he says. No smile, no nothing, just a bored look.

"Great!" E.T. cheers as he starts walking through the hallway to the elevators, Josh and I following. "I'll go first, than Chloe you can go, and Josh you'll go last. Oh and you have to ask a different person each time: keeps things interesting. Got it?" He makes his statement sound like a question, yet doesn't wait a second for Josh and I to answer. "I'll start with you Josh. If you could have one superpower what would it be?"

"The power to travel back into the past and future."
Josh responds, finding a way to look around E.T., only to then rest his burning  gaze on me, though I don't know why.

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