Chapter 18: Bébé canard

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Chloe's POV

Erika: How's it going, Cat? You still alive?

Chloe: Yes, I'm alive. Just very tired. This norm stuff is hard work. How'd you stay alive all these years?!

Erika: Glad you're alive. Lol, to me the life you're living and calling hard right now? That's my easy day.

Erika: Oh, and I survive by not whining about everything.

Chloe: Thanks:) I miss you too. How are doing?

Erika: Welcome:)

Erika: I'm doing great🎉 Bahamas is awesome for the pale skin.

Chloe: That's good. I wish I could join you:) My skin so needs the tan.

Chloe: but than again, I don't think you'd want me there;)

Erika: I would so want you here!

Chloe: Really?😏

Erika: Fine! You got me! Last text was kinda part lie! :"(

Chloe: Of course it was 😏

Chloe: So how are you liking the hottie in real life? Still the dream or nah?

Erika: Better than the dream! He's so nice, hot, caring, hot, sweet, hot, and he's got the best personality EVER!!! Plus he's HOT😍

Chloe: Point taken: He's hot;)

Erika: Yeah he is! *Sigh* I know I'm in love❤️

Chloe: Way to soon! You've only known him for like 3 days?

Erika: It's never too soon for love. And FYI I've actually know him for like 3 months.

Chloe: Erika, listen to someone with experience, You can't love love someone within 3 days!: It's science.

Chloe: Texting but never meeting doesn't count as knowing btw.

Erika: What experience do you have? The last time you dated was like back in High school. And texting does too count as knowing😤

Chloe: Ah rude...I went on a date with John-Luke a month ago👅

Erika: Chloe. Darling.


Chloe: It does too😤

Erika: No it doesn't.

Erika: Plus you didn't enjoy it. Remember complaining on and on to me afterwards? My poor ears.

Chloe: I didn't complain that much:(

Erika: Oh yes you did. I should know, I had to listen to it for like hours and hours!

Chloe: Shut up.

Erika: Meanie beanie

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