Chapter 22: My name is...

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Unknown POV

"Avoir un bon bonbon."
(Have a good sweetie). A mother kisses her daughters head.

"D'accord. j'essaierai."
(Ok. I'll try). A little smile makes it way cross the daughter's thin pink lips.

The mothers laughs as she pushes her little girl into the open classroom, in the direction of the teacher.

"Class, please give a warm welcome our new student." The teacher, Mrs. Debra, boredly says while directing her class's attention to the little girl.



"You're cute."

"Sweetie, tell the class 5 things about yourself, then take a sit by Kade." Mrs Debra tells the girl.

"Ok. Um..Hi, is Chloe. And Before I moved here, I lived in France." English clearly not being her first language, the girl struggles to string the American words into sentences. "My I like math. English is second language I love swimming." Chloe quickly blurted out the last part before rushing to the seat next to kade, the guy that had yelled out that she was cute.

"Alright. So before you got here, Chloe, we were starting math. Please grab the textbook under your desk and open to page 1 oh 5.

Chloe did as told and the class quietly continued, until kade opened his mouth and whispered, "Sooo, you're French?"


"That's cool. My mom was part French."

"Uh huh."

"Yeah. You wanna play with me at recess?"

"D'accord." Chloe had answered, not aware of what that little word would soon lead to.


Chloe's POV.

E.T.: In my rush to get as far as possible from you (Josh), I forgot to tell you guys that starting Monday, you guys have to sit together at lunch. You can't be across the room from each other.

Josh: As I have said before, you're nice.

Josh: And dude, it's AMERICA. I have the right to sit by who ever I wish.

E.T.: Congrats. You know where you live.

E.T.: To many of the couples are ditching each other at lunch, making that part of the episode extremely boring, so the directors decided to force every couple to sit together and see where that leads.

Chloe: That makes sense.

Josh: No it doesn't. It's unfair and totally not normal.

E.T.: Honey, life's middle name is unfair.

Josh: No it's not.

E.T.: Yeah it is. See you guys whenever I see you next.


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