Chapter 35: Costumes

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Chloe's POV

Ahhh! Josh just kissed me! I'm honestly as happy as I was when I got my first kiss, maybe even more.

I remember the moment it happened like it was yesterday, and that's probably because it actually happened yesterday.


It's a whole day later amf I still want to scream in joy. His lips were so soft and warm. And it was just so perfect, the only thing I'd change about it was Layla being there. She ruined everything.

Like her presence was bad enough, but right when the kiss was getting really good and not so PG, Layla opened her fat mouth and cleared her throat. That awful noise was horrid enough to ruin a perfectly amazing kiss.

And to think I was actually excited for her to come over just a few hours ago before hand.

If I could talk myself into being reasonable, I would say that Layla was good person in all of this. She did give Josh the hint after all.

But I'm not being reasonable right now, so Layla will remain as the kiss ruiner.

Anyways after the kiss, the interview went on for a few more minutes, - I spent those minutes trying not to blush or touch my lips- and then Layla and her camera crew packed up and left.

I honestly don't know what Josh and I would've done of his phone hadn't rang the minute Layla closed the door. He excused himself and took his call while I went to my room.

Guess the first thing I did when I got in Mr room?

You got it.

I touched my mouth. I don't know why, but for some reason I thought my lips would feel different or something. If you wondering, they didn't. They felt the same as always.

After my few minutes of weirdness, I finally picked up my phone and answered the girls' text messages.


Stella: You finally got your first kiss! How was it? Everything you ever dreamed or nah?

Izzy: Tella, She's had her first kiss already. Way to go girl💜

Steph: Ok, so I don't know what to say. Does Good job work?

Chloe: Thanks Eri;)

Chloe: It would have been better than the dream if Layla hadn't been there

Chloe: Thanks Izz😂

Chloe: Good job works

The one and only thing I hate about group messages is how everyone is texting at once, and you can never keep up with anyone, so everything is basically messed up. That's what usually happens in a group chat with the girls, anyway. Today was different though, we were all talking about my amazing kiss, so nothing was confusing.


Fiona and Lucas are throwing a Halloween party next week. They invited Josh and I, the other contestants, and a few other people they know.

You know in movies and books how the 'Cool' people never dress up because they're above that or something?

Fiona and Lucas are not like that at all, so in the spirit of Halloween, they said everyone who came had to dress up.

I'm really excited for part because Josh and I are getting couple costumes, or we would be if Josh grew up and cooperated with me.

"Oh come on! It'll be fun!"

"No it won't. Why can't you do it yourself?" He whines, still not moving an inch.

I'm currently standing in Josh's room trying to convince him shopping with me will be fun.

"Josh!" I'm gettingg really frustrated with him with every passing second.We've been at this for the past five minutes and he still hasn't relented. I seriously don't get why he doesn't want to shopping. All my guy friends back home didn't mind shopping all that much, sure they complained about it, but not for five minutes."Because we're going together, meaning you have to help out in picking the costume."

"Fine. But on condition."

"Yes!Fine, let's go." We're at the point where I really don't care what the dumb condition is, I'll agree to pretty much anything.

"We're only going to be gone an hour at the most. I don't want to spend all being miserable." He mumbles the last part under his breath as he follows me out the door.

It only takes us about ten minutes to walk to the local mall. The mall is like every other mall I've ever been to except smaller in sizs. All the stores are the same, the only thing really different is the lack of Halloween decorations.

"Where to first?" Josh asks. He's in a much better mood now, knowing we'll outta here in the next fifty- five minutes.

"We're only going to one store. Tiff said it's in the back somewhere on the second floor." Josh and I hop onto the xevator going up. Two little boys run up the moving stairs instead of just enjoying the ride.

"Alright." We make a few turns here and there until we find the Halloween store, it isn't extremely hard since its legitimately the only store decorated for the season.

The store is mildly busy with people all over the place. Some going in snd out of dressing rooms trying on costume, Some helping their kids with costumes, others just looking around.

"Ok! Let's get looking. I'll look at the front half, you get the back. Grab any and everything you like. We'll decide what costumes at the end."

Josh and I -well more I because after ten minutes of 'hard' looking Josh went to the food court and never came back- had been looking for about thirty minutes when I found the perfect costumes. One was of Peter Pan and Tinker Bell and the other of Mickey and Mini mouse. The costumes were both pretty simple, so I thought Josh would like them. The Peter Pan one was just green jeans and a plain long sleeve green shirt. And the Mickey mouse ons was basically the same: Red jeans and a long sleeve black shirt pared off with the cute mouse ears.

I waited for Josh to return for about five minutes before I gave up and just bought both costumes. After all I could just return the one Josh didn't want tomorrow. The party was just a week away, now that I had our costumes, I was way more excited than before.


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Question: Which costume do you want them to go with? Peter Pan or Mouse?


DF: Jan.9.17
DP: Jan.22.17
WC: 1,103

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