Chapter 29: Strangest sight

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Unknown POV

"Have a good day baby." The mother turns in her comfy seat to kiss her kid's forehead.

"Ok." The boy smiles cheerfully, but the sadness in his liquid blue eyes tells a different story.

"Love you." His older sister, Violate, tightly hugs him as he gets out of the family's black limo.

"I know." He replies. Out of all his sibling, Violate had always been his favorite, even through she was four years older than him.

"Good." Is the last word he hears from her, before he starts walking up the path to his school.

With his head down and brown locks hanging over his face, the boy is as invisible to the people around him, as a person can get. The black slacks and grey plaid vest he wears only add to invisibility as he makes his way up the stairs of his private school.

Soon enough his weaved his way through all the uncrowded hallways of his school, and made it to his classroom.

"I can do this. I can do this." The boy chants over and over before opening the door and getting in, only to behold the strangest sight: someone is already in the classroom, a girl at that.

No one is ever in the classroom before him.

So why is she here? He wonders, frozen at the door for a few moments before deciding to go to his seat.

If she wanted to tant or hurt me, she wouldn't be the only one in the class. He thinks, taking out his songbook, pretending she's not here.

This works well for a few minutes before she walks over to him.

"Hey!" She stood over him, peering at his hair.

The boy ignored her, continuing writing his new song.

Girls usually didn't bully him -they were the bystanders: watching, looking at him with pity, yet never doing anything to help- but you know what? There's always a first for everything, and a girl hitting him just might be that new thing.

"Um...I'm talking to you." She gently poked his head, a frown appearing on her pale face when the boy still did nothing.

She heaved a breath and knelt down over his desk to see what he was doing. "Ooo! Are you a songwriter?!"

The boy didn't answer, just wondered why she was faking not knowing. Everyone at Hillcrest elementary knew he was the freak who liked writing music.

"That's really cool! Maybe one day you'll be a famous song writer or something." She continued talking to the desk, since the boy refused to look at her. "You know, where I come from, it's rude to ignore someone. Just saying."

"I'm not being rude." The boy mumbled, finally looking up at the girl resting her head on his desk.

Wow! She's pretty. Was his first thought, as his momentarily forgot to breath.

Pretty girls usually didn't talk to him, they were actually the girls that sometimes bullied him because they were on his bullies's side.

"Oh, so you were just concentrating then? My brother does that all the time! Like sometimes he'll ignore me for hours because his concentrating so hard." The girl rambled, when the boy looked at her.

"" He offered, he didn't know if she was just being nice (probably not), or if making him think she was nice was a trap for something bigger (most likely), but he stayed cautious just I case.

"Yeah. So are you new here? I haven't ever seen you here, but then again I've only been here for two weeks myself."

A flicker of hope rose through his body at the thought of her bring new. Maybe he didn't miss his chance! Maybe he and the new girl could still be friends.

"No, I'm not new. I was! For the past couple of weeks." He lied.

In reality his mom had forced him stay home for two weeks: One to recover his broken nose and another to relax and catch up on homework.

"Oh. Glad you feel better now!" She smiled genially.

Kids were starting to fill the classroom now with all their noisy chatter, he excepted she'd want to go to join them soon.

"Um...yeah. I guess. You can go now, if you want." His eyes drifted around the classroom as a hint.

"I'd rather not. I didn't tell you my name yet, after all." She held out her hand. "I'm Chloe."

"I'm Joshie." He shook her hand from his sitting position.

"Nice to meet you, Sir Joshie."

"Same to you?" Joshie did the extremely rare thing and smiled a real smile, the sadness gone from his eye's temporary.

"Of course same to me!" She laughed. "So..." For the first time that morning Chloe didn't know what to say.

"Yeah..." He trailed off, grabbing his songbook and stuffing it in his backpack. Class was going to start soon and he wanted to be ready.

"I'm gonna go to my seat now." Chloe finally stood up from her kneeling position on the floor.

"Ok." Joshie didn't look up at her. The class was almost full and he didn't want to make eye contact with anyone, he might regret it later if he did.

"Hey!" He heard her voice a second later by his side.

"Huh?" Was his dumbfound expression as he stared at Chloe: she was sitting on one of the always empty seats by him.

He had expected her to go sit by in the center, that's wear all the cool and pretty people sat.

"You say 'huh' a lot. But then again you've only said it twice, but you've said 'um..' like five times."

Joshie shrugs knowing she's right, "I like thinking before I speak."

"I do too. But I think really fast. Like ninja fas-"

"Hey Chloe!" Kade walked over to them.

The boy instantly stiffens at the other boy's presence, and goes back to staring at his desk: taking deep breaths. The last time he saw Kade, he ended up with a broken nose.

"Move." Kade finally acknowledged Joshie.

Wordlessly the boy grabs his desk and moves to the desk in the corner, near the door.

No bloody nose, so I guess that's better than last time. The boy decides.

(For now

Hey thanks a ton for reading! Hope you liked this look into the past. Please vote, comment and share:)

Question: What did you think of the look in past? Would have preferred it shorter like usually?

❤️, Livia~

DF: Dec.23.16
DP: Feb..17
WC: 1095

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