Chapter 13: It's only one night

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Josh's POV.

Tiny dry tree branches make crunching sounds as they break under my shoes. I'm stumble my way through the forest looking for sticks.

Surprising I know.

No one ever expected me to be stranded in some forest looking for sticks, especially without any arguing or whining.

That's right. I, Joshua Michael-Luke Hansen am stuck somewhere in the woods and I'm not complaining. I'm kinda liking it to be honest.

I've always preferred what little is left of nature over the crowded city lights.

When I was younger my family lived in this mansion surrounded by 1 acre of trees. In the trees, behind our mansion was this little pond hidden by trees and berry bushes.

After a hard day in my own personal hell known as elementary school, I'd grab my guitar, notebook and rush to the little pond and basically just calm down by playing my guitar in peace. It was my only heaven back then. The only place where I could truly be me without them making fun of me, or my mom begging me to tell her where I got the new bruises from.

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I start humming to myself as I continue walking and adding dry sticks to the growing pile in my hands.

"Mandona bruxa! ACHO QUE ELA PODE ME DIZER O QUE FAZER! BEM, ADIVINHE? VOCÊ NÃO PODE!!!" Some guy angrily shouts in Portuguese.

Language is like my best talent next to singing, dancing, and looking
amazing. I know 4 different languages thanks to my mom.

From the day my siblings and I were born, she's been teaching us one language besides English every few years. My big sister Violet knows 9 different languages while my baby brother knows 1.5.

I turned 19 a few months ago so I'm currently trying to master the art of Russian, the hardest language ever invented, if you ask me.

"VOCÊ ESTÁ BEM?" I yell back in Portuguese as I bending down and add the 50th Woodie McDrystick to the growing pile curdled in my hands.

"NÃO! PAREÇO-TE OKEY PARA VOCÊ?" The guy shouts even through he's only a few yards from me.


"Good, you have a brain." Heaving a sigh the guy says in English , "I Justin Kane. Who are you? How do you know Portuguese?"

"Josh. My mom taught me. I'd shake your hand but." I nod my head to the pile of sticks in my hands.

"Eh. Not like I wanna shake yours anyway." Justin says showing all his teeth in a smile.

"So...who's the bossy witch?" I ask as I continue my stick hunt.

"My partner, Ashley Newton. She's  always telling me what to do. Like a few minutes ago she told me go find dry stick and matches! Why can't she get the damn matches herself?"

"Woman man. Always telling us what to do."

"Ummhmm. Did," He takes a pause as if thinking. "your partner make you look for sticks to?"

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