Chapter 2: Let the games begin part 1.

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This chapter is dedicated to Ava Dixon. Thank you for helping me with ideas for this chapter and just basically being the greatest camp-best-friend ever

Josh's POV.

With the push of a few bottons, my guy's head turns around to behold the bloody, ugly sight. People are shattered on the green plain, blood oozing out of them slowly as they face their death. In the midst of this all, one guy runs towards me, gun in hand, targeting me. An't gonna happen, buddy. Hands dead steady on the remote, I aim my gun at my best friend's chest and fire. The bolt flys at an inhuman speed, only stopping a second to make contact with Sean's armor. Sean, who was probably aiming for my head, hits my shoulder as he stumbles backwards.

Knowing that he will be back to get me in just a couple of seconds, I make fast work of getting my guy to safety, a small mound of dirt that some might argue tiny hill.

"Dude seriously?! Now she's never gonna go out with me!" My friend, Jake, whines as if he ever even had a chance with her.

In his whining, he somehow manages to leave his spot on the couch and step infront of the tv.


With one hand on the remote, I stand up and shove him away from the tv. Jake drops his romote in shock, giving me just enough time to get my guy out of his hiding spot, and shoot his guy in the stomach. Blood explods out of the soon to be dead as I secretly smile. Jake is way better than me at Last shooter standing, so I'm not that sorry that I sorta cheater in a way.

"Seriously?" He glares at me, picking up his remote.

I shrug like I'm innocent and focus my attention back on the t.v. screen. Tyler and Sean are loading up their guns to shoot and I don't want to be their target, meaning Jake has to be it.

Plan distract the idiot is on the go.

The easiest way to distract someone is to talk about the things/people they love most. For some people, this could mean their new born baby, others a sport, and some, like my friends, it's themselves or the girl their into at the moment.

"Sooo...what about Chloe."

"You ruined my chances with her, that's what." Jake huff, but doesn't take his eyes off the tv this time.

Smart guy.

His had a big crush on my TNG partner, Chloe Celeste, since last week when he saw her on this awful reality tv show called 'Save our world show!'
The name itself says it all. The show is lame is all capitals, and only desperate celebrities guest star on it. If you think of it this way, it kinda explains why Chloe was put on the show. Since it's obvious she's trying to get more famous, you'd think she'd guest star on a more popular show like...I don't actually know. But I'm pretty sure anything except a 'let's all be pretty, pretty princess and save the whole flippin' world!' would work.

Don't get me wrong though, I'm all for saving the world and all that dumb stuff, but do you see me going around with a stupid banner over my head saying 'Let's save the whole dang world?!'

No you don't. Because I'm sane, and sane people don't go around with banners over their heads to save the world. Instead, they donate money to a worthy cause, and be done. Simple as pie.

"Dude you never had a chance with her and even if you did, why in the world would you want to go out with her?" I ask Jake, because let's be real; why would you go out with Chloe on your own free will?!

The Norm Games Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon