Chapter 19: Surprise, Surprise

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Unknown POV.

The little boy walks happily down the hallway of his elementary school towards his 5th grade class. He's been looking forward to this day forever as far as he knows.

Today is the day. The day all his prayers will be answered. Today his 5th grade class is getting two new students. Two new people. Two new people who don't know him. Two new people who haven't seen him fail. Today is the day. His day.

The boy opens the metal door of his his class and quickly takes a sit. He's the first one in as usual.

Taking out his song book, the boy tries editing a song he just started writing the night before. He's half way done editing when he feels the first punch. He doesn't let the punch bug him through, He's so used to it by now that it doesn't even really hurt until the 10th one.

"Hey song bird, look at me when I punch you." His bully says, punching him in the side again.

The little boy refuses to look up and instead continues writing his song.

His bully repeatedly punches him in the side a few more times until the little boy has no choice but to look up because of the intense pain.

"AHHH! Why did I tell you to look up? Now I'm blinded by the ugliness that is your face!" The bully is lying or actually blind because the boy is quite cute with his dirty blonde hair that flops over, hiding most of his angular little face.

The bully harshly shoves the little boy's face into the the metal desk making the boy scream in pain, while the bully and his crew laugh as if seeing the boy in pain is the funniest thing they have ever seen.

A few seconds after the boy screams, the teacher walks in and and just shakes her head at the boy in disappointment. She than walks over to him and hands him a hall pass.

"Every body besides Joshie, take a sit and get your math Textbooks out. Joshie, please do us all a favor and go to the nurse's office and fix that awful nose of yours." The teacher sneers while looking at the crying boy in disgust.

Joshie gets up with his head held down and walks out his classroom door.

"Guess today wasn't my day. Surprise, surprise." He mumble quietly to himself as he walks out of the classroom.


Josh's POV.

"This is nice." Ryan sighs, sinking his teeth into another slice of pizza.

He, Justin and I are in Chloe and I's small kitchen working on homework, while Chloe does whatever with her girlfriends, at some place that I apparently forgot the name of.

"Yeah. It's so nice to get away from miss neat freak." Justin agrees.

"She doesn't seem that bad." I laugh to piss Justin off.

"Oh she is." Justin's brown orbs glare into my unsuspecting eyes.

"Ok. She's that bad?" I pretend to agree with him and get off my stool.

I stroll around the black counter top and straight to the fridge.

My hands reach inside the coldness in search for a coke, only to find them gone.

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