Chapter 6: Apartment and group chat

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Josh's POV

For the past 14 years of my life my family and I have supported many charities all around the world that help save people from simple and unserious things like starving and homelessness to hard and life changing stuff like cancer and injustice but, never in my life did I ever think that I'd ever need saving.

But now life has shown me that I infact do need saving. Maybe not from hard and serious stuff like life and death but from this mess I got selected to be in.

So that's  why I'm down on my knees right now in the door way of Chloe and I's apartment praying to God to help save me from all this.

"God I know that I'm not the best person to have ever walked your earth. Heck I don't even think nor pray to you until I need something but this time I promise I'll do anything you want if you save me from having to compete on this awful show. I-"

"Joooosh! E.T. says he's gonna start the group chat in a few minutes with or without you." Chloe shouts through what I'm guessing is the room she picked as hers.

I decide to cut my prayer short so I can join the stupid group chat before E.T. decides to take my phone away just because I'm late.

"Now God, as I was saying before Chloe interrupted me, In your name, Amen."

I get up from the rough ground of the door way after I say 'amen' and walk the short distance through the small ugly royal blue living/dining room to the left side of the room and open the first door I see.

Big mistake.

"What do you want?" Chloe asks, not even looking up from her phone. She's laying front down on a small queen sized bed with her long brown hair flowing down her back and stoping at her black skinny jeans.

"Nothing. I was just looking for my room." I mutter and get out of her room before she has time to say another thing.

The next/last door is my room because well it's the last door. My closet small room is painted white while the floor is covered in a soft faded green carpet. The only furniture in the whole freaking room is my queen sized bed.

I sigh and walk the five feet to my bed and plup myself down on to it. Grabbing my phone I find out that Chloe and E.T. are spamming me using the group chat.

Probably that devil's idea.

For some unknown reason I think E.T. doesn't like me, which is weird because everyone likes me.

I'm America's golden boy, after all.

Josh:Stop  spamming me.

Chloe: Nah. thnx 4 asking though

E.T.: lol. Now that you're here Josh, lets get to business. You guys ask me any questions you have than at the end I'll tell you the details to anything you didn't ask.

Josh: Ok

Chloe: K

E.T.: gr8! Let's get started than.

Chloe: When do the camera's start filming us?

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