Chapter 28: Kiss me

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Chloe's POV

"So what's the plan." Erika asks when we enter the valley mall.

The girls wanted to go to this boutique a few hours from Manhattan beach, and I wanted to go somewhere affordable. I went to the boutique a few weeks ago when I got my first pay check, and I ledgitmateally almost fainted at the prices. They had this really pretty blue dress made of lace and silk that I had really wanted, until I saw that the price was $500. Everything in the whole freaking cost a number with two or more zeros. Obviously I ended up buying nothing that day. Up until that point in my life, I'd never really cared about the prices of anything I bought.

"I suggest we shop first, than pig out on lunch, and hit the salon last." Stella smiles, her eyes scanning the mall.

Surprisingly, it's not too crowded today. Just a few groups of teens people here and there, the occasional parent and child,  and the rare grandparent.

We hope onto the xevator going up to the second floor along with a few teens.

"Works for me." Steph pulls out her iPhone and plugs in a pair of earbuds.

"Same here." Izzy agrees, unlike all the other girls, she doesn't take out her phone, but instead admires her surrounds with interest. I smile at that. Out of all of us, I got no doubt in my mind that Izzy would make the best norm. The girl is as sweet as an ocean filled with sugar in every way possible. She makes the girls and I seem like spoiled brats. She's just that friend that unintentionally makes everyone around her re-think their actions.

We hope off the silver xevator and turn right, towards the clothing section. Twenty minutes later of walking aimlessly around, the girls and I chose forever 21 as our first stop. Steph immediately ditches us to do her own thing.

Oh well.

Practically squealing, Stella pulls a scared looking Izzy towards the dresses aisles.

Poor girly.

Stella is a mad shopper. Litterally. Dragging us against our wills from place to place, making us try on a trillion things, even if we got no interest whatsoever in so called things. It's a torture not many people can handle, Izzy included.

With a last look at our friends's back, I follow Erika towards the shorts and skirts.

"So, Josh." She starts, holding up a short, blue, jean skirt to her waist. "Ya or nah?"

"Total ya." I smile at her, before focusing my attention on a pretty, black crop top.

This would go amazingly well my new red mini skirt.

"What about Josh?" Checking the price tag of the crop, I see that it costs $40.


That's like a week's worth of tips.

Beauty was never cheap. The voice inside me reminds.

Truth. I think, hanging the shirt on my left hand, also known as the buy hand.

" seems like you guys are getting cozy." She wiggles her eyebrows successively.

My face heats up. The ugly purple sweater across me suddenly looking quite interesting.

I'm an easy enough person to talk to about relationships: I give great advice. My only request is that we only talk about your problems. Try to talk about mine, and it usually won't go well.

"In a way, yes." Even though Erika is my best friend, I don't want to talk to her about my chances with Josh, no jinxing myself this time around.

"Stop being vogue...when do you think he'll try to kiss you?"

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