Chapter 27: The limo

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Unknown POV

"Hurry up Kade!" A group of elementary boys shout at their leader.

"Be there in a minute. Stop bugging me." The leader, Cade, hisses with venom, quieting the group.

Once sure his followers aren't following, Kade rushes to the new girl, Chloe, who's sitting on the front steps of their school talking to some dude.

"Hi, Chloe." Kade says in a low voicd, trying to act cool.

"Um.. Hi Kade." Chloe answers, not looking up at the boy towering over her, but instead up ahead at the limo that just pulled up.

"Ya gonna introduce me to him?" Kade leans on the metal railing next to them, runing a hand through his thick black hair and points a tan fingure at pale boy sitting next to Chloe.

"Of course, Kade this is my twin brother Cole. Cole, meet my new friend Kade." A smug smile makes it's way onto Chloe's lips as she introduces Kade.

"So he's real." Cole smirks. "But the thing is, I made five friends yesterday."

Having no words to say to the brother that always seems one step a head of her, Chloe does the childish thing and sticks out her tongue at him saying, "Good for you. I'm going to class now." Taking one last look at the brown haired boy that had just gotten out of the limo, Chloe stood up and headed into the school building.


Chloe's POV

I've never been very good at pretending something that was there, wasn't there. That's why I'm the one struggling to not bring up the one topic Josh refuses to talk to me about. Which by the way, I find totally stupid in some ways. Like if it was me, I would have wanted to get the whole talk over with the first day we re-met, so that way everything would have been great within the first two weeks of us knowing each other. But the thing is, I wasn't the one who almost died: Josh was. Hence why I'm bring respectful of his wish to pretend the past didn't happen.

Anyways, the bright said to that sad news is that Erika and the girls finally get to visit. It took us a month, but Josh and I finally earned the needed 1,000 points to get our friends to visit, and now they'll be here within ten minutes at most.

I'm so excited. Erika and I have never been apart from each other for now than three month, -that was when we were 10- and that was only because Dad made everyone move temporary to America for his acting job.

"I can't believe Erika is almost here!!!" I squeal, squeezing Josh's muscular hand in the process. We're standing outside of our apartment building in the warm October sun, along with everybody else.

"Yeah!" He pretends to care with a cute smile, detaching my claws off himself, and wrapping his hand around me in a side hug.

Josh is hugging me.Can this day get any better?!

If you image your birthday, Christmas, Halloween, and all the other awesome holidays all wrapped together in a pretty pink package, you'd still only be halfway to feeling what I'm feeling right now.

"Wait, how about your other friends, aren't you excited to see them?"

"Oh..yeah...the girls. I'm excited to see them too." Don't get me wrong, I totally love my girls to the moon and all, but I've only known them since Junior year, and that was like two-three years ago, instantly making them a lot more forgettable compared to Erika, who I've know for literally all my life.
"You excited to see your friends?"

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