Chapter 12: And a jacuzzi

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Omg so happy right now!!! Thanks so much

TNG NEWS: Who's Hot?
The Aussie & the Brazilian

The norm games
officially started last week. All the twelve contestants were interviewed by the TNG's one and only, Layla Nite. What were their thoughts and feelings?

As far as we know, Only half of the contestants are happy and are honored to be on the show this season. The other half?

Our current favorite new weds, Ashley Newton and Justin Kane, started their unhappy marriage at the alter as they said their 'I don'ts.' From than on it was one crazy storm as they kept on fighting about hilarious nonsense. Like, who has a fight about not fighting?!

In an exclusive interview for 300 points Justin confessed that he couldn't stand Ashley's clean freak side or any side at that. The Brazilian soccer star went on as far as to say he wished he'd never proposed.

Guess the poor guy still doesn't realize he didn't have a choice.

We don't know if it was just pure luck or if we were meant to hear Ashley's side of the story, but A few days after her quote, "dreaded wedding", Our cameras caught Ashley making a phone call to her best friend, Milee Yates. In her one hour conversation, Ashley ranted in English about how much Justin resembles a pig, 'Their both slops that eat every dang thing, and never offer to clean up' The uprising business woman complained.

Visit, www.TNGnews/newweds/whatsHoT.ov or watch the show every week day to find out more about what our favorite new weds are up to.

Quio = what
Meu cableo É alergico a dormir ao relento = My hair is allergic to being outside
Oor my dooie liggaam = Over my dead body.


Josh's POV

"Alright people! Thank you so much for coming even though you had no choice whatsoever. I'm so happy to finally see most of you again after our one week long department ." An overly excited James cheers from 10ft away from me.

Chloe and I, along with the rest of the TNG contestants are at a forest park clearing waiting for some big surprise James had in store for us.

The forest clearing is well, clear with dry yellow and green grass. Lots of huge green tree tower over the small place. There's a little fire pit in the middle with dirty brown logs surrounding it.

"All of you are here because of a big surprise, am I right?" Some people nod their heads like the obedient little servants their already turning into. "All of you guys expect Milee and Justin were putting people to sleep, so the directors and I had a little chat and decided to wake them up by giving you guys your first challenge a week early! SURPRISE!" I seriously can't believe the dude has the nerve to pop a few confetti canyons and cheer as if he's surprise is good.

"Happy or not, enough with the booing! Sheesh! Anyways you guys can handle your first challenge, It's so easy and boring that some eight year olds can do it." James loses some of the unnecessary excitement as he goes on.

"Your first challenge will be: making a fire, without anything but whatever you find in nature. Boring, I know. It wasn't up to me this time around. The directors decided to baby you guys some more by hiding two packs of matches somewhere within a 30 meter distance of here. It's first come, first serve. You find the matches and your golden, you don't? And you're whatever the opposite of golden is."

"Why would we make a fire? We have a heater in our apartment." Some dude with a very deep voice asks.

"You and your partner need to make a fire because your not going back to your apartment tonight, tonight your camping with nature." James replies.





All the contestants are shouting their pretests so loud that the only thing I can keep track of is how enormous James's smile is getting by the second.

"ENOUGH PEOPLE!" He cackles. "You are gonna spend the night with your partners in this beautiful out doors and I'm gonna enjoy watching it, got it? Any more pretests and I'm gonna take away all the points you might have or give you negative ones." At this every body that was shouting shuts their traps.

Harsh much?

"Wonderful. It's 4pm right now, so you have about 2-3 hours before it gets dark and cold, the directors suggest you find supplies to build a fire and a place to sleep. Good night and don't let the bugs bite." The sadistic witch laughs and takes his leave.

"So..." I turn to Chloe.

"So... what?"

"So... What do we do first?"

"Um I don't know. The only camping I've ever done was in a beautiful camper van thingy." She replies.

"Same. Did yours have the little kitchen?"

"Yup! It also had a nice king bed." She replies dreamily.

"And a jacuzzi." We sigh at the same time. She blushes while I look down at the dry grass and try not to think about it.

When we were younger, we used to blurt out things at the same time so often, that sometimes I thought it was because we were soulmates. I thought she thought the same thing, but you know what? Nothing is ever really what you think it is.

Shaking my head and looking up I ask her, "Do you wanna separate? Like I'll get wood and you try to find that pack of matches and we'll meet back here in 20?" I could have been a jerk and snapped at her like part of me wanted to, but tonight I really didn't have it in me.

DON'T GIVE IN YOU IDIOT! REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED LAST TIME? The other side of me known as my brain shouts at me.

I'm not giving into nothing. I just don't wanna fight tonight.

After the week I've had, anybody would want a night without drama.

"Sure." She smiles and gets off the log, heading into the forest.

I let out a breathe,leaving the fighting contestants and following behind her.

•••••••To be Continued••••••

Hey people! Thanks so much for reading! Please vote, comment and share:)

Question: How did you like the TNG news article thingy on a scale of 1-10.👇🏾

A: Eh (3) ---------------->

B: Ok (5)--------->

C: Good (8) ------------->

D: Amazing (10)------------>

A few more chapters are gonna have it, because I think you guys should know what's happening with other contestants.


DF: Oct.2.16

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