Chapter 5: That moment when...

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Chloe's POV.

I spend about 10 minutes of the one hour drive to where Josh and I will be staying looking out the window, and wishing I had my iPhone because looking out the window of a limo isn't as fun as it sounds.

The other 50 minutes of the drive I rest my head on the window wishing I had a pillow because windows are not that comfy or soft either.

"Alright we are here!" E.T. says with way to much fake energy, and a smile to match as the limo stops. I lift my head off the window and stretch my hands with a yawn. I try turning my head to the side to get a good look at the place I'll be staying at for the next year, but don't really get much of a look because of Josh's loud scream. Terror

"Please tell me this dump is not where I'm supposed to be staying for the next year." Josh utters in a horrified voice, looking at the mustard yellow, four story building with pure disgust. The building has huge green Palm trees surrounding both sides of it with a few lined up in front.

For the first and probably last time, I actually agree with Josh.

"If you think the outside looks like a dump wait till you see the inside." E.T. says, throwing a smirk Josh's way. "But yes, and no to your question." E.T. gets out of the limo and heads towards the entrance of the 'dump'.

"What do you mean yes and no? It's a 'yes,' or 'no' question. Not both!" Josh yells at E.T.'s head, rushing after him.

I quickly fumble with my seatbelt before getting out, and running after Josh, who's rushing after E.T. It takes me a bit longer to get to them since Josh and E.T. are both like 6 feet tall with long, giraffe like legs, while I'm stuck at 5"2 with skinny pig sticks for legs.

I finally catch up with them in the lobby of the dump, and find out that E.T. was so right about the inside being worse.

The lobby is painted a bright ugly sunshine yellow with creepy paintings of what I'm guessing was America's old Kings and Rulers.
The floor is a boring dark chocolate wood that is so unpolished, you can't even see your reflection in it. Worn out grey and black couches surround the scratched up desk clark's desk, which even with the scratches, is the nicest thing in the room.

"Wow." I say to E.T. and Josh because that's the only word to describe this mess of an apartment building.

"Yup. Now imagine this about 10 times worse and there you go; your apartment!" E.T. speaks, voice dripping with unneeded cheer.

"I don't get why you're so excited to live in this hellhole." I shrug, looking around again. The place, as expected, still looks the same. Only question left to ask then is: who in their right mind would actually pay to live here? My maids could afford a better place for goodness sakes.

Josh shakes his head at me, and E.T. laughs as if I was Tim Hawkins, and had just told him the funniest thing ever. "Darling, mind if I call you that?," He gives me all of half of a second to answer before continuing. "I'm not staying here with you guys!"

I know. By this time I should've already connected the dots and seem the picture, but truth to be told, I haven't. This might explain why I stare at them with a blank face. I seriously don't get why E.T. doesn't have to sleep in this trash can of a home, but we do.

"Chloe have you ever seen the show?" Josh asks, smirk in place and eyes swimming with amusement.

"Umm..." You know when you feel like you should know something, or it's hinted at, but you clearly don't? It's one of those times for me. If I say no, they're probably going to laugh at me again, and not to be self absorbed or anything, but I hate being laughed at. With this in mind, I should probably lie. Then again, if I lie, they'll know I'm lying. Yeah, I'm totally one of those people who can't lie.

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