Chapter 23: I'm sorry

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Unknown POV

"I can do it by myself, mom." The little boy, Joshie, tells his mom.

"I know." The mother whispers her words in a sorta of whiny voice, as she backs away from her son and lets him put on his seatbelt before walking to the drivers side and getting into her silver Lamborghini.

The mother then backs away from the private school's lot and starts driving onto the road that will soon lead her to mansion.

Humming a sad song, quietly to herself, the mother is thinking of ways to get her child to tell her what the mystery behind his bruises are from.

"Baby," The mother starts, trying to make eye contact with the boy in the rear view mirror of the car. "We've had this exact conversation for the past 6 months, and every time you tell me the same thing: 'It's fine, I'll be careful tomorrow.'" The mother pauses to see if the boy has anything to say.

"That's cause I mean it. I'll be more careful tomorrow." The boy mumbles, breaking eye contact with his concerned mother.

"No you won't, because there's nothing to be careful about, Joshie!" The mother raises her voice with tears in her eyes. "Someone is hurting you. You're not falling down or 'accidentally' bumping into the wall everyday. I'm not stupid." The mother is full on sobbing by now.

"Don't cry mommy. I'm sorry." The boy leans over in his seat to hug the little part of his mother's back that he can reach.

"No you're not, because it's not your fault. Someone is hurting you and you know what? I'm sick of it. I'm sick of seeing blood on your face, I'm sick of you not telling me what's happening and most of all? I'm so sick of knowing my baby is in pain, and I'm doing nothing about it." The mother confesses, wiping the tears and the makeup running down her cheeks off her face with one hand.

Not knowing what to say, the boy does the thing he thinks he does best: bow his head down in shame, and doesn't answer his awaiting mother.


Josh's POV

You know how when you make a really big mistake, you usually make some kind of promise to never, ever do it again? You swear on everything good that whatever happens you'll never even think about making that mistake again?

I made a promise like that to my ten year old self mine and a half years ago.

Guess what?

I broke that promise today, and that's not even the horrible part. The horrible part is that I don't even know if I regret breaking the promise.

Like only part of me is feeling mad and betrayed that I broke the only rule I was supposed to follow doing my year with Chloe.

The other part of me is doing a happy dance because I broke the promise.

But the third part of me, the one known as the combination of Mad/betrayed and happy dancer, is what is making me scared of what the future holds because I broke the promise.

The third part of me is what most people know as their concise or the annoying voice inside their head that never shuts up, I personal like to think of it as option b.

And that's the problem, the little voice inside my head left me.

I know that sounds crazy but it's true.

It's been gone since this afternoon when I broke the promise and told Chloe that she was unimaginably beautiful.

It's like the voice knew this would probably be the important decision of my life, so it decided to leave me to make my own choice: Do I want to stay in past and hold a grudge against Chloe till the day I die, or do I want a redo with her in the unpredictable future that lays ahead?

The problem is, I think I want to pick choice b, and that's what scares me most: I want to be with the person that has the power to destroy my world in an instant.

People say 'One wrong choice can bring even strongest man to his feet', And if I pick bring with Chloe, I pretty much give her the same power.

The thing is, I don't wanna be that idiot that makes the wrong choice and ends up on his knees. But at the same time I want to be with Chloe. So what do I choose?


Hey! Sorry the chapter is extremely short: I had no idea what else to write. Please vote, comment, and share:)

Question: This chapter tells you what is going on in Josh's mind, did you like that or was it a waste of time?


DF: Nov.27.16
DP: Jan.4.17
WC: 813

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