chapter 32: Connecting the dots

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Unknow POV

"Wait for me, you!" Chloe laughed, running through the school hallway to catch up with Joshie.

Joshie, thinking that she was talking to someone else, kept on walking.

"Hey! Stop ignoring me." She finally caught up to him as they reached the playground. "Hello? Anyone home?" She saved her hand in front of his face.

"Yeah." He swatted her hand away.

"Why are you ignoring me? And why did you give your spot to kade, the other day? Was I annoying you? Am I annoying you?" Chloe managed to say everything in one breath.

"I'm not ignoring you." Joshie say down on a big rock that was overlooking the playground of screaming kids. "Kade asked, so I did as told. You weren't annoying me the other day, but yes. You are annoying me today."

"Hey! That's rude." She teasingly punches his arm as she sat down by him. "Do you want to go play something?"

"I don't, but you can go if you want."

"Stop trying to get rid of me. I'm not going, less you come along."

"Suit yourself." Joshie took out his songbook and went to work.

"Brilliant idea: Pause the song your writing, and we can start writing one together! Brilliant right?" Chloe finished her idea with jazz hands and all.


"There you are! I was looking for you." Kade once again interrupted Joshie. He looked at them in surprise, before shaking his head and throwing joshie a quick disgusted look.

"Oh hey, Kade." Chloe smiled up at him.

Joshie finally connecting the dots, closed his notebook and headed back into the school.

Kade liked liked Chloe. That's why he kept interrupting him and Chloe whenever they were together.


Chole's POV

"Knock, knock?" Someone with an extremely deep voice knocked on our apartment door.

"Who's there?" Instead of opening the door like a normal polite person, Josh insisted on finding him breakfast.


"E.T. who?" He decided on a bowl of cereal. And then took a seat on one of the wooden stools, happily enjoying his coco puffs instead of getting the door.

"E.T. the only E.T. you know. Open the damn door Josh."

"That's honestly the worst knock knock I've ever heard." To his credit, Josh puts down his breakfast long enough to open the door for E.T.

"Thanks, I tried. You guys have five minutes before we leave." E.T. makes himself at  by roaming through our fridge until he finds something to munch on.

"Um nope. Work starts around 11. It's only 10 right now." Josh gets up and puts his cereal bowl in the sink, for me to wash.

We decided to take days when it comes to cleaning. I do all the cleaning that needs to be done on Mondays, Wednesday, and Friday. Josh cleans on Tuesdays, Thursday's, and Saturdays. Sunday is our rest day, No work, no school, no nothing.

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