Chapter 10: I think its happiness

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Thanks @tasneemiBunny a user for the cover.

Josh's POV

Have you ever been with a group of people who talk about you like your not in the room at all? They have a full blown conversation about you without ever including you, even though your like a foot away from them.

That's what's happening right now as E.T. breaks every speed light on the rush to college.

Chloe and him are hacking their lungs out about the face I made when I thought E.T. was gonna run me over. Apparently it was one of those things that no matter how many times you repeat it it's still funny.

Getting my phone out of my jean pocket I see that my dad and Asher texted me.

Dad: The Broncos didn't cheat! If any team in the NFL was to cheat it would be those Rams of yours. They spell 'cheaters' in their names for goodness sakes boy.

Josh: The broncos are the ones that cheated. We both know I'm right: just agree for goodness sakes!

Asher: We were watching TNG this morning to see if they were filming you and Chloe. Guess what? They were! It was SO funny when E.T. ran you over! The face you made?! To die for. Literally:)

Sometimes I just can't wrap my head around the things that people say. My own brother thinks my near death was hilarious?

People these days!

Josh:You think my near death was funny? Seriously Asher? What kind of big brother are you?!

Since both dad and the doofus I call brother don't reply within 30 seconds I get off iMessage and onto my new favorite app: Sniper 3D Assassin. I love this game so much even though I have not even had it for 24hours. It's like the best way to get rid of anger. I get to shoot all my enemies.

"Josh get out of the car or we're gonna leave you in here." E.T. threatens like he doesn't know me. I'd much rather stay in his car and play on my phone than go to school.

I say nothing and just continue playing my game. My mom wants me to be nicer and the only way that will happen is if I don't talk.

E.T. and Chloe must have left the car because all of a sudden a weird feeling settles over me. It's airily and smoothing. Like I've been set free from all my worries and every bad thing has left my world.

I think it's happiness.

I'm finally free from not only my killer, but her too!

Dreams do come true.

Putting my phone in my jeans pockets I open the door handle of the parked car and get out to only behold my eyes upon the second ugliest thing - the first being the inside of my apartment - I have ever seen.

The plain grey college building looks like a square box with many see-through rectangular Windows. It shoots about 50ft off the ground with lush green Palm trees surrounding the perimeter of it.

Good thing I'm skipping. I think as start walking towards the busy street.

"Where do you think your going?" E.T. glares at me with his arms folded. He's leaning against his red car with an annoyed Chloe at his side.

I knew it was too good to be true. Happiness is never on my side with her in a 100mile radius.

"Somewhere." I reply as I keep walking. I give myself two choices: Torture the hell out of myself by going to college with Chloe and E.T. or Have a great day exploring by myself. Guess what I picked?

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