Chapter 36: All of me

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Josh's POV

Chloe was a smiling ball of excitement the week leading up to the Halloween party. I didn't get it. I liked Halloween when I was a kid, loved going door to door and getting candy and toys from my parents's rich friends. But that was when I was ten, now I'm nineteen and don't see the excitement in dressing up and attending a lame party, yet Chloe does.

"You know, I'd much rather stay here with you." I tell Her for what feels like the hundredth time.

I'm sitting at her makeup desk in her room. She's behind me messing with my hair, trying to make it Mickey Mouse-y like or something. If you haven't already guessed, I picked the mouse, the Peter Pan costume was too green for my liking.

"I know." She pause tagging at my hair long enough to lean down and place a light kiss on the side of my neck. "But I really want to go. I promise it'll be fun."

"Fun for you, or fun for me?"

"Me. But if you happen to enjoy it too, then it's a win-win!" She laughs, placing the black mouse ears on my head, stepping back she admires her work for a second before nodding to herself and rearranging them again. This goes on for the next two minutes, that's when she either gives up, or finally decides I could pass as Mickey's twin.

"Let's go par-tae!" Chloe cheers as we head out the door.


The only good part about going to the party was Chloe's costume. Her mini mouse costume is this really tight red skirt with two huge white poka-dot-spots on the side. Her even tighter black crop top makes her boobs pop out. Black tights and a pair of yellow wedges complete her Mini look.

I take a second to admire the view from the back as she leads me into the creepy lobby. Fiona, Lucas and all the other contestants also live at Apartment DeCrappy, just on different floors, well sorta.

The couples (Chloe and I, Rose and Qin) all live on the third floor; while The on&off couple, (Scarlett and Miles, Leon and Laura) live on the second floor; and The new weds, (Fiona and Lucas, Milee and Justin) all live one the first floor.

"Josh, my eyes are up here."

So I might have lied: I admired her a** a bit longer than a moment.

"I know." I hadn't realized we had stopped walking until now. "You gonna open the door?"

She shakes her head at me, bitting her red colored lip to stop herself from smiling. Opening the door, Chloe tags me alongside her.


Since Fiona and Lucas live at Ugly-Deluxe, I kinda expected their apartment to look more like the name. But it doesn't. Their apartment looks like one you'd see in a magazine catalogue: Everything is shiny and clean, from the grey couches to the 72' inch flat screen tv. The walls are splashed with this relaxing baby blue color. I swear I can see my reflection on their hardwood floor. They even have a coffee table!

I'm about to tell Chloe we should move in when Fiona walks over to us. She's wearing a white dress that's low and tight in the front but long and flow-y in the back. A gold circle headband holds her straight brown hair back. Unlike some people here, her makeup is simple and natural. "You guys look cute!"

"Thanks. I love your costume and what you've done with your apartment." Chloe goshes, taking another look at the amazing place.

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