Chapter 11: Tour

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Chloe's POV

"...and Ryan." Mrs Drewson finishes pointing the guy.

Ryan is the definition of HOTT with a head full of dark locks that could make
Uncle Jesse jealous. He has Thick bushy eyebrows that make an upside down U over his almond brown eyes. He's wearing a black shirt with blue skinny jeans topped off with a pair of worn out red tennis shoes.

I knew coming to school was the right choice! I think smiling to myself as I hold my hand out to shake Ryan's waiting one.

"I'm Chloe." After giving him a quick firm shake I pull my small hand out of his much larger one.

Mackenzie gives me a wave instead of a hand shake.

"Mackenzie and Ryan you know the drill," Mrs Drewsen looks down at her silver watch and continues, "You have about 30mins before the assembly starts so try to get through the tour as fast as possible." She smiles and literally starts pushing us into the now somewhat less crowded hallway.

"Have fun. I'll pick you guys up at 1pm." E.T. shouts from the office.

"K." I say.

We make it about 20ft from the office before Mackenzie and Ryan start talking.

"We all have the same first class!" Mackenzie excitedly tells all of us while smiling only at Josh.

"Cool. What subject is first?" Josh asks her back with the same amount of excitement.

"Math." She loses some of the excitement at this.

Guess math isn't her thing.

"Argh seriously? I'm pursuing a career in music not counting! I don't need math." Josh groans.

"Dude same! Math is a total waste, yet they still recommended I take it." Ryan agrees making me like him a bit less.

People find it weird that Math is my favorite subject because most of them think that it's the hardest subject. Which is weird for me because I find it the easiest.

Mackenzie and Ryan start walking farther down the straight hallway with me and Josh quietly following.

"This is our first class." Ryan says pointing to a closed grey door with the number 308 printed on it.

"Can we look inside?" I question.

"Nope. But you can look at the door!" Mackenzie tells me not paying attention to the fact that we are doing just that.

"Ok. What's our next class?"

"You and I have history." Ryan answers me with a beautiful toothy grin.

Damn he's hot! sigh...

"Since You and Josh have different classes than Chloe and I, I was thinking that I should show Chloe our history class while you show Josh your science class. We could meet up at their third class?" Ryan asks Mackenzie.

"Sounds great." She doesn't waste a moment as she quickly grabs Josh's hand and starts marching him towards their class.

Just because she grabbed his hand doesn't mean she likes him. She's probably just trying to hurry up since we only have 25 more minutes before the assembly starts.

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