Chapter 15: Shush up

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Josh's POV

I pulled my black hoodie over my head as I rushed into the school after E.T.'s amazing first day of school speech.

The faster I get away from Chloe the better.

I find my first class pretty easily: I have an amazing memory. This can be good, but most times it's bad because it means I have the power to clearly remember that night, well at the least the part leading to me blacking out.

The second after I pull my hoodie down at my math class, two girls plus Mackenzie stick themselves to my side.

Not surprising at all.

"I'm ReAnna." The one on my left side flirtiously say. She's around 5"5 with curly black hair.

"I'm Jackie." She's on my right side. Jackie is as short as Chloe so around 5"2 with long mud brown hair.

"I missed you so much." If the girls we doing a contest to see who can be the closest to me, Mackenzie would definitely win by like a mile.The girl not only hugs me like we've been friends forever, but goes as far as to imprint her bright red lipstick on my cheek.

"Nice to meet you all." I say untangling myself from all of them and walking to my sit.

Despite what most people think, I'm not a huge player. Sure I can be a flirt sometimes but other than that? Nada.

Doing the rare times I date, I like actually having a relationship that lasts longer than 2 weeks.

As more and more people pile into the small classroom, more and more girls come over to either say hi, ask how I'm doing, fangirl and take pictures until the teacher enters.

"Settle down people." The room goes quiet in a less than a second at the teacher's few little words.

"Thank you. I'm Mr. Flix and I'd like to welcome you to your math class. Since it's the first day, we are gonna start the class with a first day survey." He hands the 8 people in the front row surveys to pass back.

"Here..." The blond girl in front of me sighs dreamily.

"Thanks." I flash her a little side smile.

"You can turn back around now, Stacy." Mackenzie barks at the girl now known as Stacy.

That's right, I got the amazing pleasure of sitting next to Mackenzie all because the stupid teacher assigned everybody sign sits by last name, and by some awful miracle, Mackenzie's last name happened to be Holister.

"So about that Chloe chick?" Mackenzie whispers, trying to start a conversation.

"Yeah, what about her?" I whisper back, trying to focus on the survey.

"What happened with you and her?" I hope she's hinting at last Saturday night instead of that night.

"Nothing much. Now shush up so I can focus." I said not wanting to take the chance of her meaning that night instead of Saturday night.

"Fine." She grumbles out.

My day flew by in a whirl wind of easy and really boring until there was only one minute of instrumental until lunch.

"You're gonna sit by me right?" Stacy asks me for the 100th time.

Yeah, you guessed it.

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