Chapter 26: Adorkable

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TNG NEWS: What's HOTT? The Ugandan and the British.

We just celebrate the first month anniversary of the 16th season of TNG last week! As most of you readers might already know, with a new season comes new surprises, like the sickening yet adorable attraction the Ugandan and the British have towards each other.

Yes, we're so going there.

Fiona Aries and Lucas Fierce have it bad for each other, and this time we're not lying, we've decided to repent of our sins, and take the honest road.

Our beloved Ugandan dancer and British fashion designer were seen holding hands at the movie theater this week.

We know what your thinking: So they were holding hands, big deal! Anyone can hold hands.

But the thing is, this was no ordinary hand holding, nope. Fiona Aries and Lucas Fierce held hands for the whole time they were in line for the movie tickets, the whole time the movie was on, and while they exited the movie theater! They never let go of each other's hands, and if that doesn't say love than what does?

Most of you readers know that with every love story, comes a love problem, and sadly this love story is no different.

It's obvious to us that Fiona and Lucas scream 'in love' or 'deep like' but are they doing anything about that scream?

The answer is no. They are not.

The stars are taking the hard road and dancing around each other instead of doing the easy thing and confessing their feeling for each other.

It's frustrating to be honest. Like just say you love each other and get it over with.

If your with us, and are frustrated with the never starting relationship of our new weds, let us know at www.TNGnews/adorkable.weds/whatsHoT.ov


Chloe's POV

"It's been one heck of a month for our stars. Some have gotten used to each other's, others could be in love, and some still can't stand each other. But none of that matters today, because it's game night!" James Nite fakes excitement for the cameras as he walks towards us.

All the TNG contestants are gathered at the studio in a small room that the directors designed to like a living room. It has a ton of couches that form a circle around a little table. Other couches are scattered separately around the room with a good sized tv on one wall. "Our stars will partner up with anyone of their choose to complete in the world's greatest board games." James finishes giving the cute black haired camera guy filming him the cut sign.

"I'm only going to say this once, so if you care listen up." He turns back to his normal strict old person voice, once it's clear the cameras aren't filming. "For those of you who don't know, TNG directors insist on hosting this totally lame 'family' night every month. Congratulations: this means you only have eleven more 'family' nights after this one. Family nights are basically just all the contestants getting together for a couple of hours, and doing whatever as a 'family." With the way James says the word family, you might think the word was actually cursed or something. "If there's no questions, I'll be one my way now." And with that, he sashed out the door with his camera cute guy following.

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